Agenda and minutes

Council - Thursday, 15th October, 2015 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Cecil Street, Margate, Kent. View directions

Contact: James Clapson 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Councillors Leys and Munday.



Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 99 KB

To approve the Minutes of the meeting of Council held on 16 July 2015, copy attached.


It was proposed by the Chairman, seconded by the Vice-Chairman and agreed that the minutes of the Council meeting held on 16 July 2015 be approved and signed by the Chairman.



To receive any announcements from the Chairman, Leader, Members of the Cabinet or Chief Executive in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.1 (iv).


The Chairman made announcements regarding the following:


-  The Chairman had attended a memorial to the life of the late Allan Willett, former Lord Lieutenant of Kent, during which his contribution to Kent, and Thanet in particular, was acknowledged.

-  Members were reminded of the code of conduct, which was agreed by Members at the last meeting of Council.

-  Congratulations were offered to Councillor Johnston, who had been elected Chairman of British Destinations.


Declarations of Interest


Councillor Dexter declared an interest in agenda item 7b and 14.  There were no other declarations of interest.




It was noted that no petitions had been received.


Questions from the press and public

To receive questions received from the press or public in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 13.


Question No.1 From a Member of the Public - Universal Credit Application Assistance pdf icon PDF 99 KB


Dr Symonds asked Councillor Crow-Brown the following question:


“With the introduction of Universal Credit this month, what provision has been made at Gateway Plus for those patients in the community with severe mental disorder, who may need help in completing the required forms?“


Councillor Crow-Brown responded with the following points:


-  Universal Credit would be introduced from 12 October and be available to new applicants only.

-  It was unlikely that an individual with a severe mental disorder would be eligible for Universal Credit as the individual would probably receive an alternative form of benefit.

-  Individuals applying for Universal Credit would have a work coach to assist in the application process.

-  Gateway staff could call upon a number different agencies to provide specific expertise if specialist assistance was required.



Question No.2 from a Member of the Public - The Local Plan pdf icon PDF 97 KB


Ms Kennedy asked Councillor L Fairbrass the following question:


"In writing the Local Plan, can you confirm that current analysis of data and software modelling suggests that many more thousands of homes will be required than the 12,000 by 2031 proposed in the first draft and can you advise residents where UKIP would prefer those homes to be located?"


Councillor Fairbrass responded with the following points:


-  The Council had received a draft report that suggested a rise of housing requirement to 15,660, however the report was not finalised and was open to scrutiny and challenge.

-  No decision had been made regarding the number of houses required or possible locations for housing.

-  A final decision would be made by Council once full consultation had taken place.



Questions from Members of the Council

To receive questions from Members of the Council in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 14.


Question No. 1 - Preparations for Retirement of a Margate GP pdf icon PDF 144 KB


Councillor Johnston asked Councillor Wells the following question:


“The announcement last March by Dr Rahman of his intended retirement at the end of September has led to 2,000 patients needing to find a new GP.


What actions have you taken through the Health and Well Being Board, CCG and especially NHS England to ensure our residents will be properly served?”


Councillor Wells responded with the following points:


-  National polls suggested that 1/3 of GP’s planned to retire in the next 5 years.

-  The Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) was looking ahead to support GP’s by building teams of other medical professionals around GP’s to create a more seamless out of hospital service.

-  Thanet CCG and the Council had supported Dr Rahman’s patients to register with surrounding practices.

-  The Council had been assured by NHS England that surrounding practices had the capacity to take these patients.

-  NHS England had overall responsibility for the provision of GP services.


Councillor Johnston asked a follow up question requesting what specifically had Councillor Wells had done, and suggested that the matter should be raised with local MP’s.


Councillor Wells responded that he had had conversations with the CCG and members of the Thanet Health and Wellbeing Board, and would raise the issue when he met with MP’s in November.



Question No.2 - An Update on the Work of the A&E Cabinet Advisory Group pdf icon PDF 146 KB


Councillor Dexter left the meeting for this item.


Councillor Matterface asked Councillor Wells the following question:


“On July 16th after the presentation of the A&E petition, the leader stated he would set up a Cabinet Advisory Group to consider the petition in tandem with other emerging proposals from the East Kent Hospitals University Foundation Trust.


Could we, please, have an update on this CAG?”


Councillor Wells responded with the following points:


-  Cabinet was scheduled to meet on 22 Oct 2015 to agree the terms of reference of the Cabinet Advisory Group (CAG).

-  Once agreed at Cabinet the CAG would meet at the beginning of November and consist of 4 UKIP Members, 2 Conservative Members, 1 Labour Member and 1 Democratic Independence Group Member.


Councillor Matterface asked a supplementary question enquiring whether the CAG was only on the Cabinet agenda because she had asked her question at Council.


Councillor Wells responded that it had always been the intention for the CAG be set up and in place to review the proposals from the East Kent Hospitals University Foundation Trust that were expected to be issued towards the end of October.


Question No.3 - Maintenance Budget for Off Street Parking pdf icon PDF 144 KB


Councillor K Gregory asked Councillor Brimm the following question:


“As the Budget setting process approaches, could I urge you to put a robust case forward to include an adequate maintenance program for our 'off street' Car Parks within next year’s Council Budget?”


Councillor Brimm responded with the following points:


-  Income generated from parking charges has previously been used to support other council services.

-  Over the last 12 years only minor repair and patching work has been carried out to the car parks.

-  The cost to resurface a car park was in excess of £100,000.00.

-  There was a need to start an improvement programme as residents and visitors expect carp parks to have a good surface, clearly marked bays, good lighting and working ticket machines.

-  There maybe a need to increase parking costs, however any increase would be discussed as part of the budget consultation process.  A final decision would come to Council for approval.


Councillor K Gregory asked a supplementary question which enquired whether budgeting for car park maintenance would have been easier if the Council, under the previous administration, had not been fined for its attempted ban of live animal exports at the port of Ramsgate.


Councillor Brimm responded that the money could have been spent on a number of projects.  The last car park to be fully resurfaced was Joss Bay, 12 years ago.


Question No.4 - The Corporate Risk Register. pdf icon PDF 86 KB


Councillor Taylor-Smith asked Councillor Crow-Brown the following question:


"Please will the Cabinet Member for Corporate Governance Services confirm to Council that the Corporate Risk Register is an accurate and realistic reflection of our Council's business situation and that all risks are adequately covered?"


Councillor Crow-Brown responded with the following points:


-  The risk register was regularly reviewed, once the new corporate plan had been agreed by Council, the risk register would be updated.

-  Risks could not always be fully mitigated or eliminated, therefore it was necessary to manage risk. 

-  The last audit review had given substantial assurance that the Council adequately managed it’s risks.


Councillor Taylor-Smith asked a supplementary question enquiring why Manston Airport was no longer shown as a specific risk on the risk register.


Councillor Crow-Brown responded that Manston Airport was included within the major project heading on the risk register.  He offered to respond to Councillor Taylor-Smith in writing with more detail if she wished.


Question No.5 - The Local Plan pdf icon PDF 143 KB


Councillor Partington asked Councillor L Fairbrass the following question:


"What number of empty properties will be used to reduce the build requirement for the local plan?”


Councillor L Fairbrass responded with the following points:


-  Within the financial year the Council had bought 110 empty properties back into use.

-  Other local authorities with active programmes to bring empty properties back into use have won concessions against new housing need.  Investigation into how this had been achieved was underway.


Councillor Partington followed up her question by stating that Thanet had been ranked 11th out the 346 local authorities in the country for having the most empty properties, she enquired what would be done to ensure an adequate strategy was in place to bring empty properties back into use.


Councillor L Fairbrass responded with the following points:


-  Council records showed that there were 1860 empty properties in the district, this was 2.8% of the Council’s housing stock.

-  The Council was looking at robust ways of getting empty properties back into use.


Question No.6 - Proposed Conservation Area in Cliftonville West pdf icon PDF 145 KB


Councillor Savage asked Councillor L Fairbrass the following question:


"The decision by Cabinet on 10th September for a consultation exercise for the proposed conservation areas in Cliftonville West, although totally laudable in its objective, invokes a requirement for Council to act competently. With a decision to proceed, does she feel there is adequate officer coverage to ensure effective implementation?”


Councillor L Fairbrass responded that she felt there would be adequate staff resource available.


Councillor Savage followed up his question by enquiring whether adequate budget would be in place to fund the staff required.


Councillor L Fairbrass responded that the resource implications would be considered as part of the budget setting process.


Notice of Motion

To receive any Notices of Motion from Members of Council in accordance with the Council Procedure Rule 16.


It was noted that no motions on notice had been received.


Leaders Report pdf icon PDF 125 KB


During his report the Leader covered the following areas:


-  The new corporate plan, was for consideration by Council that evening.

-  The consultants draft report for the local plan had been received and stated a requirement for 15660 new homes, the Leader would have a teleconference with the report authors and request justification of these figures.

-  Dreamlands scenic railway was now open.

-  The car transporter at Ramsgate port was a sign that the Port is open and ready for business.

-  There had been a move from negotiations regarding Manston Airport, to an open and transparent report on the facts which was expected to come before Cabinet on 29 October 15.  This date was subject the availability of the Council’s legal consultant, who needed to be available to answer questions from Members.


Councillor Bayford as Leader of the Conservative Party responded with the following points:


-  UKIP had lost overall control of the Council.

-  The corporate plan should be based upon service plans.

-  The Council had a good record of bringing empty homes back in to use.  This should be factored into the local plan.

-  A healthy, growing economy must have new housing to support it.

-  It was good that the scenic railway was open however it was a shame that it took so long.  There were rumours about financial claims against the Council connected to the Dreamland project.

-  Activity at the Ramsgate Port was good, however consideration was needed about the future of the Port, if it becomes apparent that it would not be very successful.  It was a valuable asset which needed to be fully utilised.

-  It was surprising that RiverOak still wished to be involved in Manston Airport after such a delay.  If there were valid reasons not to pursue a CPO, then these reasons should be published.


The Leader replied to Councillor Bayford’s comments with the following points:


-  Service plans would be merged into the corporate plan in time for budget setting later this year.

-  There was a link between new jobs, inward migration and new housing.

-  It would not be acceptable to comment upon rumour in relation to Dreamland.

-  Propositions for the use of the Port were always welcome.

-  Information around Manston Airport would become clear in the report to be considered by Cabinet on 29 October.


Councillor Collins as Leader of the Democratic Independence Group made the following points:


-  The Democratic Independence Group pledged to hold the UKIP party to their election promises.


 The Leader replied to Councillor Collins’ comments with the following points:


-  The UKIP party were ready and willing to launch a CPO once a suitable indemnity partner was identified.


Councillor Johnston as Leader of the Labour Group made the following points:


-  It was important to keep election promises.

-  The new corporate plan appeared to be an amalgamation of the four priority commitments from the previous administrations corporate plan.

-  The enterprise zone  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.


Corporate Priorities 2015-2019 pdf icon PDF 216 KB

  • View the background to item 10.

Additional documents:


It was proposed by the Leader and seconded by the Councillor L Fairbrass that Members agree the recommendation at paragraph 8.1 of the report, namely:


“To approve the report and the proposed Corporate Plan 2015–2019 as drafted.”


Councillor Fenner proposed, Councillor Campbell seconded the following amendment to the proposal:


-  Priority 2 on housing: at the end of bullet point 2 to add “by committing to the provision of more social and affordable housing”

-  Priority 3: to add another bullet point which reads as follows; “joining forces with other organisations/agencies to lobby Government to invest more in education and training in FE”

-  Value 2: to add another bullet point which reads as follows; “to work towards becoming a “living wage Council””

-  Priority 2 again: to add another bullet point which reads as follows; “to promote leisure facilities and protect our green and open spaces”.


Upon being put to the vote, the amendment was lost.


Members voted on the substantive proposal which was subsequently declared carried subject to the following;


-  That the word ‘Parish’ be included in the final paragraph of the draft measure for success for Priority 1.

-  Grammatical corrections were made in the use of apostrophes in the Draft Measures of Success text.



Report of the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel pdf icon PDF 145 KB


Councillor D Saunders, the Chairman of Overview and Scrutiny, presented his report and made the following points:


-  The sub-groups met in September and early October.

-  There continued to be a close watching brief regarding the QEQM Hospital A&E services, TDC artefacts management, and the Winter Gardens as a major events venue.

-  A report would be considered at Cabinet regarding TDC artefacts management on 22 October.


In response to the report it was noted that the artefacts that had been in the stairwells of TDC were in the Margate museum.


Members noted the report.


2014/15 Year-End Treasury Report pdf icon PDF 586 KB


It was proposed by Councillor Townend, seconded by the Leader and Members agreed the recommendation as shown in paragraph 15.1 of the report, namely that:


“Following approval by the Governance and Audit Committee on 24 June 2015, and by Cabinet on 30 July 2015, that Council:

-  Notes the actual 2014/15 prudential and treasury indicators in this report.

-  Approves the annual treasury management report for 2014/15.”


A request from Westgate Town Council for a change in the name of the Parish to Westgate-On-Sea pdf icon PDF 16 KB


It was proposed by the Chairman, seconded by the Vice-Chairman and Members agreed the recommendation as shown in paragraph 4.1 of the report, namely that:


The Council is recommended to:


  1. Note the receipt of the request from Westgate Town Council to change the name of the parish;


  2. Agree to the making and publication of a notice under Section 75 of the Local Government Act 1972 to change the name of the parish to Westgate-on-Sea and the consequent change in the name of the Westgate Town Council to the Westgate-on-Sea Town Council.”



QEQM Petition - KCC Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee Chairman's Response pdf icon PDF 129 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor Dexter left the meeting for this item.


It was proposed by the Leader, seconded by Councillor Stummer-Schmertzing and Members agreed to note the report.


Appointments to Committees, Panels and Boards - 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 198 KB

  • View the background to item 15.

Additional documents:


It was proposed by the Leader, seconded by Councillor Bayford and Members agreed the recommendation at paragraph 3.1 of the report, namely:


“That Council agrees the proposal to achieve proportionality outlined at paragraph 2.5.”




The Leader offered to advise of his nominations outside of the meeting.


Councillor Bayford, Councillor Collins and Councillor Johnston offered their nominations as detailed in the following table;

Committee / Group

Current Position

New Position

Planning Committee



Democratic Independent Group

No entitlement

Cllr Collins


7 Councillors

1 Councillor to be removed

Planning Committee Substitutes



Democratic Independent Group

No entitlement

Nomination needed


Cllr Collins

Cllr G Hillman

Licensing Board



Democratic Independent Group

No entitlement

Cllr Smith


Cllr Collins

New nomination needed


Cllr E Hillman

Cllr J Fairbrass


No entitlement

Cllr Savage

Overview and Scrutiny Panel



Democratic Independent Group

No entitlement

Cllr Elenor


Cllr Martin

No entitlement to seat


Cllr Elenor

New nomination needed


No entitlement

Cllr Dexter

Governance and Audit Committee



Democratic Independent Group

No entitlement

Cllr Ashbee


Cllr Collins

New nomination needed


Cllr Partington

Cllr Taylor-Smith


No entitlement

Cllr Game

Governance and Audit Committee Substitutes



Democratic Independent Group

No entitlement

Nomination needed


Vacancy not filled

Cllr Partington


Vacancy not filled

Cllr Savage

General Purposes




Cllr Ashbee

New nomination needed


Cllr Smith

New nomination needed

Democratic Independent Group

No entitlement

Cllr Martin

B&EA Working Party



Democratic Independent Group

No entitlement

Cllr Martin


4 Councillors

1 Councillor to be removed

Constitutional Review Working Party




Cllr Martin

New nomination needed


Cllr Elenor

New nomination needed


No entitlement

New nomination needed

Democratic Independent Group

No entitlement

Cllr Elenor


No entitlement

Cllr Campbell

Standards Committee




Cllr Ashbee

New nomination needed





It was proposed by the Chairman, seconded by the Vice-Chairman and Members agreed the recommendation as shown in paragraph 7.1 of the report, namely:


“That Council note the nominations made by the Thanet Association of Local Councils to the Standards Committee and the Joint Transportation Board.”