Issue details


The council holds the freehold interest of the Dreamland Site, part of which will be operated as an amusement park. Council acquired the site after a public inquiry and lengthy court proceedings, which followed the making of the compulsory purchase order. One of the purposes of the CPO is to enable the delivery of an amusement park of a heritage nature and the Council is not able to operate the park itself. It is now in a position to tender this part of the estate and the Cabinet paper sought approval to procure a suitable third party to operate the amusement park.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Significant effect on communities;

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 25/04/2014

This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.

Reason for urgency:
Given the timescales for the procurement and award of a public concession contract and the need to have a competent operator in place in time for the planned opening of the Dreamland Amusement Park in April 2015, the proposed decision should be excluded from ‘Call-In’ as the delay caused by the Call-In process could potentially delay the commencement of the procurement exercise by at least one cycle thus placing at risk the timely award of a concession contract in time for the planned opening of the Park.

Decision due: 1 May 2014 by Cabinet

Lead member: Councillor Rick Everitt, Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Strategy and Transformation

Lead director: Acting Chief Executive and Director of Community Services

Contact: Madeline Homer, Chief Executive 01843 577123 Email: Tel: 01843 577123.


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