Decision details
Asset Management - Old Town Hall
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Council’s Corporate Statement for 2019-2023 sets out the direction of travel for the coming years. The assets identified below represent ageing property that require repair and capital investment but, should this be completed, it will not improve the return on income, or fulfil any operational requirements.
Cabinet agreed the following recommendations:
1. To let the property via a commercial lease, detailed as option 1 in the cabinet report;
2. To give delegated authority to the Director of Property, in consultation with the Principal Surveyor to market the premises and negotiate Heads of Terms for a lease
3. To give delegated authority to the Director of Law and Democracy to sign all documents necessary to give effect to the disposal.
Reasons for the decision:
Asset considered and decided on approving the recommended way forward.
Alternative options considered:
To retain the assets would not be in line with the asset strategy and medium-term financial strategy.
Report author: Stuart Longbottom
Publication date: 04/05/2022
Date of decision: 28/04/2022
Decided at meeting: 28/04/2022 - Cabinet
Effective from: 12/05/2022
Accompanying Documents: