Decision details
Approval of TLS, Resident Involvement Strategy 2022-2025
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Cabinet considered a report recommending the adoption the Resident Involvement Strategy.
Cabinet agreed to:
1. Approve the adoption of the new Resident Involvement Strategy.
Reasons for the decision:
Adoption of the Resident Involvement Strategy was recommended for the following reasons:
- A Resident Involvement Strategy is required to be compliant with regulations applied by the Regulator for Social Housing;
- The strategy has been co developed with involved residents.
Alternative options considered:
The option to reject or amend the proposed strategy was rejected.
Report author: Sally O'Sullivan
Publication date: 17/06/2022
Date of decision: 16/06/2022
Decided at meeting: 16/06/2022 - Cabinet
Effective from: 25/06/2022
Accompanying Documents: