Decision details
Representation on Executive Appointed Outside Bodies for 2022/23
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Council agreed the list of Executive outside bodies and the number of Councillors to be appointed to them, as described at paragraph 1.2 of the cabinet report, at its Annual meeting on 12 May 2022.
The Council appoints representatives to outside bodies in order to express the views of the Council to those bodies on the work they undertake, and to feed back to the Council issues emerging from those bodies that relate to Council activities.
Cabinet agreed the list of nominations to the Executive-related outside bodies as shown at Annex 1 to the cabinet report and as detailed below.
List of Executive Outside Bodies – for the year, 2022/23
Name of Outside Body |
No. of Reps |
Nomination |
British Ports Association |
1 |
Cllr Ashbee |
British Destinations Association (AGM, Annual Conference and Executive Meetings) |
1 |
Cllr Pugh |
Community Safety Partnership |
1 |
Cllr Kup |
Domestic Violence Forum |
1 + 1 sub |
CllrJill Bayford |
East Kent Opportunities Ltd |
1 |
Cllr Ashbee |
East Kent Spatial Development Company |
1 |
Cllr Pugh |
Kent Police and Crime Panel |
1 |
Cllr Kup |
Local Government Association Coastal Special Interest Group |
1 |
Cllr Pugh |
Local Government Association District Councils’ Network |
1 |
Cllr Ashbee |
Local Government Association (General Assembly) |
1 |
Cllr Ashbee |
Local Government Association Strategic Aviation Specialist Interest Group |
1 |
Cllr Ashbee |
Manston Skills and Employment (MSE) Board |
1 |
Cllr Pugh |
Margate Town Partnership |
1 |
Cllr Pugh |
South East England Councils |
1 |
Cllr Ashbee |
Supporting People in Kent Commissioning Body |
1 |
Cllr Jill Bayford |
Thanet (Ramsgate) Harbour Users’ Groups |
1 + reserve |
Cllr Ashbee Cllr Bob Bayford |
Thanet Quality Bus Partnership |
1 |
Cllr Wright |
Tourism South East |
1 |
Cllr Pugh |
Your Leisure Thanet Sub Group |
2 |
Cllr Ashbee Cllr Bob Bayford |
Reasons for the decision:
Their main objective is for a Council nominee to represent the interests of the Council.
Alternative options considered:
Not appointing a TDC representative to executive appointed outside bodies. This would not have been an appropriate decision because Full Council agreed that the Council’s interests would better be served by engaging in activities with Outside Bodies in order to enhance the public interests of Thanet District.
Publication date: 17/06/2022
Date of decision: 16/06/2022
Decided at meeting: 16/06/2022 - Cabinet
Effective from: 25/06/2022
Accompanying Documents: