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  • Decision details
  • Decision details

    Tourism Scrutiny Review Report

    Decision status: Recommendations approved

    Is Key decision?: No

    Is subject to call in?: Yes


    On 20 July 2023 the Tourism Review Working Party was set up by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel. The working party was tasked with a review of the negative impact of tourism on the district and how the Council could mitigate that impact on local communities.


    In August 2023 the Tourism Review Working Party commenced the planned review. This led to some findings and recommendations being identified through a report which was adopted by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel on 16 April 2024 and considered by Cabinet on 25 April 2024.


    At the meeting on 25 April this year the outcome report from that review was brought to Cabinet for its consideration. Cabinet agreed that officers bring back a report back to Cabinet after studying the various implications of the recommendations of the Tourism Review Working Party. A report was therefore brought to Cabinet on 28 November 2024 for decision.


    Cabinet agreed to defer providing a response to the Scrutiny report findings and recommendations in order to get officer advice on the cost implications of those recommendations. A detailed response will be brought back to Cabinet before the end of the third quarter of this year.

    Reasons for the decision:

    Cabinet would need time to consider these findings and recommendations and get further officer advice on the budget implications for each of these recommendations in the context of the Council’s limited resources.

    Alternative options considered:

    The alternative would have been to make a decision with no reference to financial implications for such a decision. However this was rejected as financial implications are an important consideration for making good decisions.

    Publication date: 29/04/2024

    Date of decision: 25/04/2024

    Decided at meeting: 25/04/2024 - Cabinet

    Effective from: 08/05/2024

    Accompanying Documents: