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  • Decision details
  • Decision details

    East Pier Building Improvements

    Decision Maker: Cabinet

    Decision status: Recommendations Approved

    Is Key decision?: Yes

    Is subject to call in?: Yes


    Officers have permission to undertake the procurement and award of a contract to undertake essential improvements to the concrete structure and replacement of the windows at the East Pier Building, located at Ramsgate Royal Harbour East Pier. The estimated value of the contract will be £468k. £178k of unallocated funding from the Property Enhancement Programme will be used, in addition to the uncommitted budget remaining on the East Pier Building capital project, to ensure the Council can complete the project.


    Cabinet agreed the following:


    1.  The key decision to award a contract with a value in excess of £250k to undertake essential improvements to the concrete structure and replacement of the windows at the East Pier Building, Ramsgate Royal Harbour East Pier, following a procurement exercise;


    2.  That the Director of Environment, having sought advice from legal services, agree the final terms of any contract award and sign the contract with the successful bidder.

    Reasons for the decision:

    An Executive Decision is required because the project involves incurring expenditure anticipated to be £250,000 or above.

    Alternative options considered:

    The Council could decide not to undertake remedial work to stop the deterioration of the building. This was discounted because the East Pier building is within the Ramsgate Royal Harbour and so has Grade 2* Listed status within the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended. As the owner the Council could face enforcement action under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended if it did not maintain the building. In addition, the authority also has obligations under the current lease as the landlord to maintain the building. If the Council did not do so it would be in breach of the lease conditions.

    Report author: Tony Marmo

    Publication date: 27/09/2024

    Date of decision: 26/09/2024

    Decided at meeting: 26/09/2024 - Cabinet

    Effective from: 05/10/2024

    Accompanying Documents: