Decision details

UK Shared Prosperity Fund

Decision Maker: Head of Regeneration and Growth

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


In June 2023 Cabinet approved the programme of spend for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund in Thanet, with the Head of Regeneration and Growth being authorised to agree appropriate contracts and spend in collaboration with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Property, in order to deliver the projects within the council's processes and procedures.


On 6 June 2024, Officers consulted with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Property with regard to the proposed projects and spending as outlined below, who raised no concerns.


Capital: Funding for new, or improvements to existing community and neighbourhood infrastructure (E2)


  • Engage with community led spaces to support them to enhance their facilities/offer to meet the needs of their neighbourhoods.
  • Support community pride, activities and engagement. Explore match funding opportunities through local partnerships.


Available Budget: £188,300


Programme deliverables

Delivery and support partners

5a Broad Street

UK Share Prosperity Funds to kit out spaces within the venue for community use.

Match funding

Future High Streets Fund - £1,064,199

Levelling up fund - £250,000

UKSPF - £70,000


Partners to include Department for Work and Pensions, Kent Coast Volunteers, Social Enterprise Kent CIC, Thanet Youth Network, Pie Factory Music


Total cost (from UKSPF) 


£ 70,000


Reasons for the decision:

The planned programme of activities and support, will deliver against the outputs and outcomes as identified in the UK Shared Prosperity Investment Plan, approved by central government and Thanet District Council’s Cabinet. 


5a Broad Street

Broad Street will be a key community resource to continue the momentum and legacy of the UK Shared Prosperity programme. The building will facilitate a community space, community cafe and employment hub space on the ground floor. With seminar and performance space on the first floor and office and meeting spaces on the second floor; the building will have a lift installed so that all the facilities are accessible. There is positive interest in using the facility from the Creative and VCSE Sector, and officers have been working with consultants and community groups to develop an operational and use model during the UKSPF period. One future proposal is to host a youth and employment hub, working in partnership with the  Department for Work and Pensions and youth services. This will make Broad Street a welcoming space to engage young people and support them into future employment and training opportunities. The new seminar space at Broad Street will also provide the facilities, currently lacking in the town, that could facilitate community and public events.


Outcomes include: improved community cohesion, through providing a hub for like minded creative and community organisations young people have the opportunity to find new employment opportunities, training and skills in an environment that is accessible both physically and socially; Development of a unique space for community use; provision of a  kitted out venue ready to be used by the sector.


There is clear benefit, and examples of quality outputs, and the support that can be provided through bringing creative industries and community, voluntary and social enterprises together. 


Supporting information

Evidence to support the planned programme of activities and support are highlighted in the ‘Delivering Shared Prosperity for Thanet’ report.


The funding profile for delivery is covered by the allocated 2024/25 capital budget allocation of £188,300.


This proposed plan covers initial outputs with more to be added as the programme develops and more opportunities have been identified and scoped.


Following programme delivery, further information will be sent to the council and recorded as part of the monitoring process to help measure impact, outcomes and how the funding has contributed to increasing capacity in the VCSE sector.

Alternative options considered:

  • Do nothing - Broad Street would be constructed but some areas would not be easily operable. The building would not be usable or attractive to potential users. No income would be generated, which is a key element to the project delivery plan. This option was not recommended.
  • Do nothing - the UKSPF project plan could be amended and find alternative delivery for Support for Business, People and Skills and Capital outputs.This will lead to an underspend for the financial year that may then need to be returned to central government. This option was not recommended.
  • Apply for alternative funding for the fit out costs. This would mean resources would be taken from other priorities including construction and community engagement. There is no guarantee of success and this would slow down the delivery timetable. This option was not recommended.

Publication date: 23/08/2024

Date of decision: 22/08/2024

Accompanying Documents: