Decision details
Purchase of 11 homes built by Vistry for temporary accommodation
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Cabinet approved the purchase 11 homes, constructed by Vistry, that will be used for temporary accommodation in the Thanet District.
Cabinet agreed the following:
1. That the Council progresses with the acquisition of the 11 new affordable homes being built by developer Vistry, subject to the approval of the necessary adjustments to the general fund capital programme by the full Council on 10th October;
2. The letting of these homes will be in accordance with the Council's Temporary Accommodation Allocation Policy, approved by Cabinet in July 2024.
Reasons for the decision:
Cabinet agreed to the purchase 11 homes, constructed by Vistry, to be used for temporary accommodation in the Thanet District. The accommodation is at Westwood Point This acquisition comprises four 2-bedroom properties and seven 3-bedroom properties. The report details how there is a demand for such accommodation, there is an identified need for this accommodation for households in Temporary Accommodation.
Alternative options considered:
The Council could choose not to purchase the homes as these were not originally intended to be for temporary accommodation. However, this would represent a missed opportunity at a time when the Council has circa 300 households in temporary accommodation.
Publication date: 27/09/2024
Date of decision: 26/09/2024
Decided at meeting: 26/09/2024 - Cabinet
Effective from: 05/10/2024
Accompanying Documents: