Decision details

UK Shared Prosperity Fund

Decision Maker: Head of Regeneration and Growth

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


In June 2023 Cabinet approved the programme of spend for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund in Thanet and the Head of Regeneration and Growth was authorised to agree appropriate contracts and spend in collaboration with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Property, in order to deliver the projects within the council's processes and procedures.


On 26 September 2024, the Project Officer consulted with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Property with regard to the proposed projects and spending as outlined below, who raised no concerns.


Support for Business - Growing Social Economy (E26)

Objectives: Provide opportunities to work with focus neighbourhoods to reach those most in need of support into employment. Support existing social enterprises and community businesses to engage those residents furthest from the labour market into projects, employment or volunteering.


People and Skills - Employment Support for Inactive People (E33)

Objectives: Link people to key employment opportunities including creative and digital in Margate and green and maritime in Ramsgate. Develop opportunities to engage and train people to be employed by the visitor and night time economy." 


Green Skills (E39)

Objectives: Work to provide early engagement with the Green Campus and Green Port Projects. Identify local people who can connect to existing opportunities including wind farms and growing circular economy


Total Intervention Budget allocation £300,000

Total spent to date £91,264.20

Employability and Skills

Programme deliverables

Delivery and support partners

Grant amount

Validating Voices

Delivered by Oasis

This project addresses NEET issues in Thanet.?

This issue has its roots in young people’s experiences long before they reach the age of 16, with elevated levels of adverse childhood experiences such as abuse and neglect being a significant factor in educational, mental health, and physical health outcomes. 

Oasis?will pilot a 10-week group programme for NEET young people who have experienced domestic abuse. This will use a trauma-informed resource co-designed with Oasis clients, Oasis mentors, the Universities of Oxford and Kent, and other young people and youth workers across the country.? 

Oasis will deliver two cohorts and will offer a maximum of 15 places per group, with an expected engagement of 10 young people per group. 20 for the full project.

Virtual Schools Kent and The Education People will provide

referrals for NEET young people into the Oasis programme. Organisations such as Co-Relate, The Shaw Trust, Sports Connect, Pie Factory, Artsedex will be training/ mentoring/ education partnership pathways for the young people completing the Oasis programme. Onward pathways are not limited to these organisations, as Oasis is a core member of the Thanet Youth Network and we have numerous contacts to find a good fit for the young people we will be supporting.



Delivered by CMK - Changing Minds Kent

PHASE is an innovative wellbeing and life-coaching programme designed to empower the long-term unemployed and those with disabilities in improving wellbeing and self-esteem, whilst developing confidence, motivation and employability skills.

A 12 week programme facilitated by qualified life-and wellbeing-coaches, occupational therapists and education professionals. Course units cover: understanding wellbeing; building healthy connections and communication skills; building resilience and motivation; personal strengths and values; goal setting; cultivating a growth mindset; positive self-affirmation and self-care; Mental Health Awareness training; understanding the brain and emotional regulation. Participants are given access to one-to-one mentoring

Department for Work and Pensions, JobCentre Plus, East Kent College Group, Social Enterprise Kent, Kent Coast Volunteering, Forward Trust, The Education People, and local businesses. Thanet Youth Network and NEETs group.


Pastoral Support Worker

Delivered by Perfect Place to Grow

A unique project that is groundbreaking in its approach to meeting the needs of young people and the hospitality sector by offering in-sector training and work experience. 

Working in one of the most deprived areas of Thanet, referrals are high, and the welfare demands of young people are significant. The project is developing at speed and the need for a support worker would help trainees to overcome fundamental barriers to work, to allow key staff to deliver quality traineeships and develop future opportunities.

From their experience, to really get to the root of youth unemployment, they need to be able to support young people in every aspect of their lives. With a tailored support and holistic approach, they aim to get to the root of barriers for these young people who have fallen through the cracks. 

Whilst they are supporting people in the kitchen as a tool for wellbeing, and employability, they are finding that a lot of time is spent outside of the kitchen, discussing very fundamental barriers to work such as education, health, finance management, family and housing problems. The helping hand of someone in a supporting role would add a layer of support for young people, so they can refer out, chase partners and really push them forward into sustainable employment. 

Department for Work and Pensions,Social Enterprise Kent, Schools, Windmill Community Gardens, Quex Park, Tracey Emin, Broadstairs Food Festival, Turner Contemporary, Thanet NEETS group, ARK, Neurodivergent Friends and lots of other community partners


Creative Catalyst Programme

Delivered by Co-relate Communication CIC

This programme will develop and connect young people (18- 24 years not in work) to opportunities and employment within the cultural sector and creative businesses in Margate.

This includes two rounds of 10-week paid work placements in one or more different creative businesses, an apprenticeship opportunity, and two paid freelance opportunities.

Evidence to support the planned programme of activities and support were identified in the ‘Delivering Shared Prosperity for Thanet’ report.

The programme will bring together cultural organisations across Margate to offer a programme of work experience, training and apprenticeships to NEET young people in Margate, working with referrals from the Department for Work and Pensions and similar organisations. This builds on links made with young people and initiatives undertaken as part of the Thanet NEETS partnership and Thanet Youth Network.

This is a very similar project that has been awarded UKSPF grant for Ramsgate. The two projects will collaborate and share knowledge and best practice.


Creative Learning Programme for NEET young people

Delivered by Arts Education Exchange

1.5 hr weekly sessions of creative art and music for

six young people in Thanet who are NEET. This project has been created in response to the large numbers of referrals they receive from families and partner organisations who are looking for suitable provisions for young people that are out of mainstream education.

The Education People, VSK, Salus, Oasis, Children and Young People's Mental Health Service, NHS, Enterprise Learning Alliance, Hartsdown Academy, St Anthony’s, Kent County Council social services, Thanet Youth Network, Thanet NEETs group.


SIA Courses (for security work)

Delivered by Burgeonton Academy

Course for 12 learners. Level 2 training in Security Guarding, Door Supervision, and CCTV operations.Emergency first aid is also included and SIA badge. Accredited by Highfield Qualifications. They collaborate with local security companies, who are continuously seeking new staff. They guarantee 100% job interviews for all qualified learners and provide employment opportunities for successful candidates. 

Local security companies. Department Work and Pensions


Thanet Pathways Project

Delivered by CXK

Model of support, building confidence and skills for the unemployed, those who are economically inactive and individuals looking to upskill and progress. 

Their experienced team acts as a broker, supporting individuals to gain sustainable access to a wide range of available opportunities for work, learning and training. 

CXKs Pathway Project is a person-led flexible model designed to accommodate the needs of a diverse range of cohorts and support needs. The project encompasses a wide and engaging breadth of approaches that builds on individuals’ strengths, capabilities, and aspirations. The provision empowers beneficiaries to celebrate transferable skills, promoting and engaging strategies to positively inspire them to move into education and employment pathways. CXK’s Pathways Project addresses low aspiration, confidence and underlying barriers and perceptions, building on individual learners’ strengths, experience, and support needs. 

East Kent Colleges Group Adult Education, Salt Training, Twin Training, Shaw Trust, Live Well Kent.


Budget allocated 



Green Skills

Programme deliverables

Delivery and support partners

Grant amount

Grow in Thanet

Delivered by The Kent Foundation

Organise and deliver a Green Business Networking Event in Ramsgate to develop contacts, partnerships and potential to develop a pipeline for Green Campus.

Quality speakers - keynote speaker.

Work in partnership with Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce, Kent County Council and other suitable ‘Green’ partners


Ramsgate Harbour Comes to Discovery Planet

Delivered by Discovery Planet

Work in partnership with a local artist to develop a large mural of Ramsgate Harbour and Port. The mural will highlight key job roles and people who work with harbour/port. It will show key buildings, new developments, including the Green Campus. The Mural will be in place for at least six months. And open to the public on at least six occasions. 

Three sets of workshops will be developed in collaboration with the Harbour/Port-based businesses. Each day of workshops will consist of five x 45-min timed sessions and targeted at schools.

Plus three x Drop-in days open to the whole community.

Increased knowledge about what goes on in the Harbour/Port and associated employment; increased awareness of green business initiatives and how we mitigate climate change; increased awareness of the Green Campus vision

Harbour team, schools, community groups, home educators, public, port/harbour businesses


Community Growing Specialist

Delivered by Perfect Place to Grow

This role will link their employment training programmes to growing, maintenance and importance of sustainability through nature. To employ a community growing specialist to work with trainees to develop a community growing space to allow them to grow produce to support their community cafe and events. Also to work with an inspirational peer mentor to inspire them to engage fully with this aspect of the programme.

There will be a zero-waste ethos applied as the produce that is grown will be processed to make healthy and delicious frozen meals at The Perfect Place to Grow. These meals will serve a dual purpose as 50% will be used to raise funds for the project and 50% will be donated to partners in the community that work with families and young people struggling with the cost of living. This allows one small project to have the greatest reach across the wider community benefiting as many people as possible. 

Department for Work and Pensions,Social Enterprise Kent, Schools, Windmill Community Gardens, Quex Park, Tracey Emin, Broadstairs Food Festival, Turner Contemporary, Thanet NEETS group, ARK, Neurodivergent Friends and lots of other community partners


Plastic Free - Margate Cup

Delivered in-house

Reusable 'Margate' to buy in bulk for the businesses that would like to participate but cannot afford the initial investment in cups.

Either make an investment on behalf of businesses who want to join the pilot project but are unable to fund them themselves; and/or, purchase the cups on behalf of TDC or charge staff a small fee to buy (all proceeds go to Rise up Clean up). A handful of coffee shops in Margate also offer a discount on coffee when you use your reusable cup

Plastic Free Thanet, Local businesses, Thanet District Council staff


Community Carbon Literacy Training

Delivered in-house

One pilot session delivering carbon literacy training which will be open to the community in Thanet. Carbon Literacy has community-specific toolkits, we will use this to deliver an initial pilot, with the plan to reuse the materials and resources for future sessions throughout the year (for example, 4 per year minimum) until the licence expires. 

Aim to Increase awareness and greater understanding in relation to climate change within Thanet's community.

Thanet District Council wider community


Environmental Working Group Project

Delivered by POW Thanet

Match funding for POW staff project time to support a £1.5m bid to National Lottery (Lottery Climate Action) for a community Climate Action Project currently being developed in consultation with local community groups.

Community groups, Thanet District Council, Kent County Council, residents, businesses


Budget allocated



Reasons for the decision:

The planned programme of activities and support will deliver against the outputs and outcomes as identified in the UK Shared Prosperity Investment Plan (UKSPF) approved by central government and Thanet District Council’s Cabinet.


Evidence to support the planned programme of activities and support are highlighted in the ‘Delivering Shared Prosperity for Thanet’ report.


The funding profile for delivery is covered by the allocated 2024/25 budget:


  • Support for Business allocation: £100,000
  • People and Skills allocation: £100,000 
  • Green Skills allocation: £100,000. 


This proposed plan covers outputs to complement existing projects within the UKSPF programme.


Following programme delivery, further information will be sent to the council/recorded as part of the monitoring process to help measure impact, outcomes and how the funding has contributed to the outcomes identified.


The proposals being funded provide a way to test new routes of access and delivery, building partnership[ and providing solutions for ingrained challenges. Evidence from this will be used to not only report on the programme, but to provide evidence for future lobbying and funding programmes that might be relevant.

Alternative options considered:

  • Alternative partners could be identified. This would mean that the council is not using organisations who are leaders in their sector and experienced in delivering projects within the identified themes and are well placed to ensure maximum impact. This could lead to a reduction in the quality of delivery and the level of support, as well as jeopardising expected outcomes and impact to the sector. This option was not recommended.

·  Do nothing - the project plan could be amended and find alternative delivery for Support for Business, People and Skills and Green Skills outputs.This will lead to an underspend for the financial year that may then need to be returned to central government. This option was not recommended.

Publication date: 10/10/2024

Date of decision: 08/10/2024