Decision details
Jackey Bakers Recreation Ground
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Reporting the actions taken and to be undertaken in response to a petition that was received by the Council. The petition requests that the Council improves its management of Jackey Bakers Recreation Ground. In addition the proposal to adopt a master plan for the future development of the Jackey Bakers site.
Cabinet agreed the following, to:
a) Approve the demolition of the existing pavilion on the basis of health and safety (subject to the Local Planning Authority giving prior approval*);
b) Approve the purchase of a temporary portacabin style changing facility once demolition has occurred;
c) Approve a public engagement exercise to inform the master planning for Jackey Bakers, based on Section 1 the draft master plan attached at annex 1;
d) Explore facilities that will be installed that will encourage safe enjoyment of Jackey Bakers by girls and young women;
e) Ensure the temporary changing facilities are properly insured and secured;
f) Delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to investigate the options for a future development on the site based on the master plan, to include a new car park, new pavilion (to include changing facilities) and other sporting/recreational facilities that might enhance the offer at the site. A report will be represented to the Overview and Scrutiny Panel and the Cabinet once these options have been further explored.
* Local Planning Authority approval was granted on 13 December 2023.
Reasons for the decision:
To approve the next steps to be undertaken by officers in response to the petition received by Thanet District Council about Jackey Bakers Recreation Ground. In taking the next steps the expenditure will be more than £250,000.
Alternative options considered:
The alternative option for the Council is to not undertake any further improvement of Jackey Bakers Recreation Ground. This was rejected as not being in the best interests of the local community and wider users of the sporting facilities.
Publication date: 15/12/2023
Date of decision: 14/12/2023
Decided at meeting: 14/12/2023 - Cabinet
Effective from: 23/12/2023
Accompanying Documents: