Issue - meetings

Fees and Charges 2018/19

Meeting: 07/12/2017 - Council (Item 12)

12 Fees and Charges 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 206 KB

Report to follow.

Additional documents:


It was noted that in accordance with council procedure rule 17.6, a recorded vote would be taken on the motion or any amendments and substantive motions.


It was noted that there was a typographical error on page 16 of the agenda, which should read ‘Disposal of Cremated Remains’


Subject to this correction, it was proposed by Councillor Townend and seconded by the Leader that:


“Council approve the Fees and Charges as listed in Annex 1 of the report, with the exception of the parking charges in respect of the Royal Harbour and Cannon Road car parks, Ramsgate.”


The Monitoring Officer conducted a recorded vote on the motion as follows:


46 Members voted in favour the motion: Councillors Ashbee, Bambridge, Bayford, Braidwood, Brimm, Buckley, Campbell,  K Coleman-Cooke , Crow-Brown, Curran, Dawson, Day, Dellar, Dennis, Dixon, Edwards, Evans, J Fairbrass, L Fairbrass, Falcon, Fenner, Game, Grove, Hillman, Howes, Jaye-Jones, Larkins, Martin, Parsons, Partington, Lynda Piper, S Piper, L Potts, R Potts, Rogers, Rusiecki, D Saunders, M Saunders, Savage, Shonk, Stummer-Schmertzing, Taylor, Taylor-Smith, Tomlinson, Townend and Wells.


3 Members voted against the motion: Councillors Johnston, Matterface and Venables.


0 Members abstained from voting on the motion.


The motion was carried.


Meeting: 30/11/2017 - Cabinet (Item 477)

477 Fees and Charges 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 184 KB

Report to follow.


Cabinet considered the Overview & Scrutiny Panel recommendations and having examined the two areas of charges set out in the report agreed the cancellation of the increases for bulky waste. They also agreed toremove the cremation charge for unviable babies.


Additionally, Cabinet identified that there was currently a charge for stillborn babies and those under one month old and proposed that this charge be also removed.


Councillor Campbell spoke under Council Procedure 20.1.


Councillor Townend proposed, Councillor Lin Fairbrass seconded and Members agreed the following recommendations:


1.  To remove the cremation fee for non-viable babies;

2.  To remove the proposed increase on bulky waste collection charges;

3.  To remove the charge for the cremation of stillborn babies and those under one month old.

Meeting: 21/11/2017 - Overview & Scrutiny Panel (Item 143)

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Additional documents:


Tim Willis, Director of Corporate Resources introduced the report.


Following debate, Councillor Campbell proposed and Councillor Bayford seconded that the Overview and Scrutiny Panel recommend to Cabinet:


“To remove the cremation fee for unviable babies, and to remove the increase to the collection fee for bulky waste.”


Upon being put to the vote, the motion was declared CARRIED.


Meeting: 16/11/2017 - Cabinet (Item 472)

472 Fees and Charges 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 202 KB

Additional documents:


Members considered the proposed fees and charges to be recommended to Council on 7 December 2017.


Councillor Campbell spoke under council procedure rule 20.1.


Councillor L Fairbrass proposed, Councillor Crow-Brown seconded and Members agreed that Cabinet:


“Approved the fees and charges as listed in Annex 1.


Recommend the agreed fees and charges to Council for decision.”