Issue - meetings
Budget Monitoring 2021-22: Report No.3
Meeting: 19/04/2022 - Overview & Scrutiny Panel (Item 378)
378 Budget Monitoring Report 2021-22 Q3 PDF 74 KB
Additional documents:
- 2021-22 Budget Monitoring No.3, item 378 PDF 126 KB
- General Fund Capital Programme, item 378 PDF 66 KB
- HRA Capital Programme, item 378 PDF 73 KB
Chris Blundell introduced the item and made the following points:
· The report was to improve overall awareness regarding the financial position. The report was previously considered by Full Council in March;
- Housing needs had an overspend of £444,000, there were other key overspends included Your Leisure and Domestic Waste Collection;
- In total there was a £2M overspend;
- Crematorium income had seen a reduction this year;
- The £1M emergency funding from the government covered the forecast gap;
- The capital programme appeared to be significantly underspent; however this was actually a timing issue due to the receipt of the Margate and Ramsgate levelling up funding.
A Member asked whether the council could sell off pockets of land it owned around the district, in order to provide more housing for residents in Ramsgate, particularly in Eastcliff ward.
In response, Chris Blundell said that there was a need to check with the Director of Housing if such funds would be ring fenced.
Members noted the report.
Meeting: 17/03/2022 - Cabinet (Item 802)
802 Budget Monitoring 2021-22: Report No.3 PDF 126 KB
Additional documents:
Cabinet discussed the Quarter 3 Budget Monitoring Report which covered quarter three general fund revenue and capital, reflecting the latest forecasts in the light of the covid pandemic, together with the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and was the third budget monitor for 2021/22. Quarter 3 forecast was for a £1.95m overspend on this year’s budget. The HRA forecast was for a £226,000 surplus against the budget.
Councillor Everitt spoke under Council Procedure Rule 20.1.
Councillor David Saunders proposed, Councillor Bob Bayford seconded and Cabinet agreed the following:
1. That Cabinet notes the following:
(i) The General Fund revenue budget 2021-22 forecast position;
(ii) The General Fund Capital Programme 2021-22 forecast position;
(iii) The Housing Revenue Account position;
(iv) The anticipated funding solution to the budget gap.
2. The 2021-22 Capital Programme budget adjustments and virements, numbered 1 and 2, as set out in section 5.3 and Annex 1 to the Cabinet report;
3. To recommend to Council for approval the 2021-22 supplementary capital budget, numbered 3 as set out in section 5.4 and Annex 1 to the Cabinet report.