Issue - meetings
Birchington Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 consultation - Formal Response from Thanet District Council
Meeting: 22/02/2022 - Cabinet (Item 794)
Additional documents:
The Leader introduced the report noting that it was clear that a lot of work and care had been put into the preparation of the Plan.
The Council was running a public consultation that closed on 24 February 2022, then the Plan would be examined by an independent examiner.
The Plan was generally supported however there were some concerns that were detailed in paragraph 1.11 of the report.
The Leader proposed, Councillor B Bayford seconded and Cabinet agreed the following:
‘That the comments in Annex 1 to the cabinet report are approved as the Council’s formal response to the Birchington Neighbourhood Plan.’
Meeting: 17/02/2022 - Overview & Scrutiny Panel (Item 361)
Report to follow.
Additional documents:
Mr Verrall, Strategic Planning Manager, TDC introduced the item noting that Regulation 16 was the final formal stage of consultation before the examination of the Plan took place. The consultation would finish on 24 February 2022. TDC was working with Birchington Parish Council to appoint an examiner.
Cllr Fellows made a statement on behalf of the Birchington Parish Council group who prepared the Plan, of which he was a member. He offered thanks to those involved in the collaboration with TDC, however it was felt that there needed to be more support from TDC regarding policy B4, heritage assets.
During consideration of the item it was noted that:
- The words “Parish Council'' needed to be deleted from policy B21 as it was the District Council who was responsible for ensuring compliance with Local Plan Policies.
- TDC’s comments would be submitted alongside the Plan, for review by the examiner, who would then give their recommendations.
It was proposed by Councillor Tomlinson, seconded by Councillor L Piper and agreed that option one be approved, namely:
‘1) That the comments in Annex 1 of this report are agreed to be submitted as the Council's formal response to the Regulation 16 Consultation.’