Issue - meetings
Sign off of the Final draft of the Net Zero Strategy and underlying Net Zero Action Plan
Meeting: 02/03/2023 - Cabinet (Item 899)
899 Net Zero Strategy and Action Plan PDF 138 KB
Additional documents:
- Annex 1 - Net zero strategy public engagement feedback - Google Docs, item 899
- Annex 2 - TDC Net Zero Strategy (DIGITAL), item 899
- Annex 3 - Final Net zero action plan to 2024 - Google Docs, item 899
PDF 148 KB
Members considered the TDC Net Zero Strategy which set out how the Council would address climate change and meet its pledge, which included reaching net zero in its estates and activities by 2030. The draft strategy was approved for public engagement last September. The engagement process ran until 11th November and was very successful, with over 70 residents and organisations giving feedback. This feedback was summarised in the Cabinet report which included a table listing the themes of the comments made and how TDC would take these comments on board.
The engagement process had led to a number of recommended additions to the strategy. These recommendations were presented to the Climate Emergency Cabinet Advisory Group which had cross-party membership and the group agreed that these recommendations be forwarded to Cabinet. The final draft of the Net Zero Strategy 2023 and the feedback report would be available on the Council website for residents to view.
Councillor Yates and Councillor Austin spoke under Council Procedure Rule 20.1.
Councillor Bob Bayford proposed, Councillor Pugh seconded and Cabinet agreed:
1. To approve the proposed recommended additions to the Net Zero Strategy:
a. To add interim targets (to 2030 and 2040) for the emissions the council has partial control over in the next action plan. This action plan will be written in 2024;
b. To add the emissions from home working to future carbon footprinting calculations;
c. To consider calculating emissions from staff commuting when resources become available to collate the more complicated data set;
d. To work with KCC on Local area energy planning to devise a plan for renewable energy across the district, where resources allow;
e. To set out a clear plan to ensure that all staff are educated on climate change.
2. To
approve the Final Net Zero Strategy 2023;
3. To continue to note that the strategy cannot be fully implemented without external funding being available, and agreed, in accordance with the pledge, to lobby external agencies and government.