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  • Issue
  • Issue - meetings

    Approve the delivery plan for the UK Shared Prosperity Plan and provision in the capital programme for the capital elements of the funding

    Meeting: 15/06/2023 - Cabinet (Item 14)

    14 UK Shared Prosperity Fund update pdf icon PDF 124 KB


    Cabinet discussed the update report on UK Shared Prosperity Fund and acknowledged that Thanet was allocated just over £1.1m to spend until March 2026 to deliver the proposals within the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. The Cabinet noted the inclusion of the capital element into the Council’s capital programme.


    This funding programme was meant to be replacing the EU funds, which Thanet previously benefited from and the funding allocation was via an agreed formula. Members also noted that it was likely that further funding would be required to ensure that the impact of the funding made a difference to local communities.


    Members further considered the priorities for the funding which were linked directly back to the guidance set out by central government. The budget would be re-profiled and the mapping work that was being commissioned would inform this process. A Members briefing session on Tuesday, 20 June 2023 would be held where officers would present further information about the programme and what the next steps would be.


    Members were requested to help inform the voluntary, community and social enterprise mapping through advising on who was in their respective wards and share widely the information that the council was going to forward to Members.


    Councillor Pugh and Councillor Austin spoke under Council Procedure Rule 20.1.


    Councillor Duckworth proposed, Councillor Yates seconded and Cabinet agreed the following:


    1.  To note the amended capital programme including the capital element of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund;


    2.  The commencement of procurement activities that exceed £250,000 in order to deliver the UK Shared Prosperity Programme as outlined in Section two - Thanet’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund programme;


    3.  That the Head of Regeneration and Growth is authorised to agree appropriate contracts and spend in collaboration with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Property in order to deliver the projects within the Council's processes and procedures.