Issue - meetings

Broadstairs Draft Neighbourhood Plan (Review)

Meeting: 10/08/2023 - Cabinet (Item 27)

27 Broadstairs & St Peters Draft Neighbourhood Plan Review pdf icon PDF 105 KB

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Cabinet considered proposals for a review of the Broadstairs & St Peter’s Neighbourhood Plan that was produced in May 2021. Broadstairs & St Peters Town Council had been reviewing that Plan. The process for a Neighbourhood Plan Review depended on the significance of the changes being made to the plan, as set out in National Planning Policy Guidance. In this case, the changes were considered to be significant enough to change the nature of the plan and therefore required an examination and referendum. The changes included updated Objectives, three new policies and the introduction of a Design Code.


The Plan Review was published and formally submitted to the Council and had subsequently been assessed by an independent Examiner. The Examiner’s report had also been published. It supports the proposed Neighbourhood Plan, with some minor modifications and recommended that it be subject to a referendum. The Council now had to issue a Decision Statement as to whether or not it accepted the recommendations in the Examiners report, and, if not, what actions would be necessary. The Council also had to consider whether the draft Plan Review met the “basic conditions” for a Neighbourhood Plan. The report that was considered by Cabinet set out relevant issues in the Examiner’s report for Cabinet’s decision which would also form the basis of the Decision Statement.


The draft Neighbourhood Plan Review was generally supported by Members and it had been positively prepared and had been brought up to date on a number of issues, including climate change and social changes as a result of the pandemic. Members proposed the recommendations that the Broadstairs & St Peters Neighbourhood Plan Review be modified with the modifications set out in the Examiners Report (annex 1 to the Cabinet report) and be subjected to a referendum.


Councillor Bayford spoke under Council Procedure Rule 20.1.


Councillor Everitt proposed, Councillor Duckworth seconded and Cabinet agreed the following:


1.  That the draft Neighbourhood Plan Review be modified as set out in this report; and


2.  That the Council issues a Decision Statement that it accepts the recommendations in the Examiners report, and the draft Neighbourhood Plan can proceed to referendum.