Issue - meetings

Council Tax Resolution Report

Meeting: 22/02/2024 - Council (Item 13)

13 Council Tax Resolution Report pdf icon PDF 96 KB


It was noted that in accordance with council procedure rule 17.6, a recorded vote would  be taken on the motion or any amendments and substantive motions.


The Chair proposed, the Vice Chair seconded the recommendations in the report be set out:


“(i) That Members approve the Thanet District Council element of Council Tax charges as

set out below for the listed property bands:




 (ii) That Members approve the determinations at Section 1 of this report.”


 The Monitoring Officer conducted a recorded vote on the motion as follows:


34 Councillors voted in favour of the motion.


Councillors; Albon, Ara, Austin, Boyd, J. Bright, K. Bright, Britcher, Crittenden, Currie, Donaldson, Duckworth, Edwards, Everitt, Farooki, Garner, Green, Huxley, Keen, Makinson, Matterface, Pat Moore, Munns, Nixey, Ovenden, Owen-Hughes, Packman, Pope, Pressland, H. Scobie, W. Scobie, Smith, Whitehead, Wing and Yates.


14 Councillors voted against the motion.


Councillors; Bambridge, Bayford, Davis, Dawson, Fellows, Kup, Manners, Paul. Moore, Nichols, Pugh, Rattigan, Rogers, Towning, Wright.


The motion was AGREED.