Issue - meetings
Purchase of 2 by 7.5 tonnes road sweepers for TDC Cleansing - total cost £300,000.00
Meeting: 29/02/2024 - Cabinet (Item 95)
95 Purchase of 2 x Mechanical Sweeper Vehicles PDF 78 KB
The report had been to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. There had been no recommendations given by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The vehicle replacement programmes included the provision for the purchase of two 7 ½ tonne mechanical road sweepers. Previously, the service had an 18 tonne sweeper, and four 2 tonne sweepers, however these had reached the end of the working life. The proposal was in line with the corporate plan to keep the district clean.
Councillor Bayford spoke under Council Rule Procedure 20.1.
Councillor Albon proposed, Councillor Keen seconded and Cabinet agreed:
“The purchase of two 7.5 tonne mechanical sweepers at a cost of approximately £175 K per vehicle.”
Meeting: 15/02/2024 - Overview & Scrutiny Panel (Item 5)
5 Purchase of 2 x Mechanical Sweeper Vehicles PDF 72 KB
Matthew Elmer, Head of Cleansing Services, gave a presentation making the following key points:
• The programme included the provision for the purchase of two 7 ½ tonne mechanical road sweepers.
• Previously the council had 18 tonne sweepers and four 2 tonne sweepers, but these had all reached the end of their life, the service had been relying on a single hired 7 ½ tonne vehicle.
• The new vehicles would be used for cleansing roads, and would be beneficial in the winter.
• The proposal was in line with the draft corporate plan ‘to keep our district safe and clean.’
• The proposed vehicles were both diesel powered.
• The proposal gives three options, not to purchase the vehicles, to purchase alternatives or to purchase the recommended option.
Councillors commented and asked the following questions:
• What was the lifespan of these vehicles?
• Members considered the report positive news for the council.
• Was there a way of communicating to residents when their street would be cleaned?
• What was the cost of having a road sweeper in comparison to the mechanical sweeper?
• Questioning regarding parking suspension was raised, particularly in streets there parking caused difficulty sweeping.
• Different sized mechanical sweeper vehicles would be realistic to sweep all the different sorts of streets where vehicle traffic was present.
• It was important to work with residents, and maintain dialogue with residents.
Matthew Elmer responded with the following points:
• The vehicles had a useful life of approximately 7 years.
• Schedules were in place, it would be looked into if information regarding schedules could be published.
• There was a review on the maximum amount of impact that the vehicles would have.
• Town priorities were noted as priority to the operations.
• Larger vehicles had a higher capacity.
Councillors noted the report.