Issue - meetings

HRA Royal Crescent Refurbishment project authorisation to increase the value of the contract

Meeting: 25/07/2024 - Cabinet (Item 19)

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Cabinet discussed recommendations for the capital works regarding Royal Crescent. Royal Crescent is a Grade II listed building of historical significance that sits on the seafront of Ramsgate West Cliff. The Council owned two blocks in the building. It was in need of essential structural and fire safety works, which would ensure the buildings were fit for purpose into the future. The complex nature of the building had impacted the timeframe and costs of this project as laid out in this report.


It was recognised that the cost was a challenge for leaseholders, to help with this; there was the opportunity to add the cost of the works as a charge against the property. The council would also refer this project to the first tier land tribunal, who would make a judgement on if the costs were reasonable. Once the works were complete, the leaseholders would benefit from the improvements to their homes


Councillor Bayford spoke under Council Procedure Rule 20.1.


Councillor Whitehead proposed, Councillor Yates seconded and Cabinet agreed the following:


1.  The letting of a contract for the completion of the works at Royal Crescent, Ramsgate as set out in this report;


2.  The change in the scope of works to remove the improvement of the basement.

Meeting: 16/07/2024 - Overview & Scrutiny Panel (Item 5)

5 HRA Royal Crescent - capital project pdf icon PDF 154 KB

Report to follow


Sally O’Sullivan introduced this report and made the following points:


·  Royal Crescent was a grade 2 listed building of historical significance on the seafront of Ramsgate’s West Cliff;

·  The building was in need of essential structural and fire safety works in order to make it fit for purpose, however complexity in the works impacted the time frame of the project;

·  The Council recognised the impact of the costs to leaseholders and offered to put the costs as a charge against their property. These costs were being put forward to the First Tier Land Tribunal for determination on whether these costs were reasonable;

·  Councillors were happy to hear about the tribunal in order to give residents transparency. It was asked if residents could represent themselves in this tribunal. Officers replied that there was already a resident association group that will be represented at the tribunal.


Councillors had no further recommendations and agreed the report to go to Cabinet.