Issue - meetings

To approve the procurement and award of the contract for security at the Port of Ramsgate, Ramsgate Royal Harbour, Cecil Street Council Offices, Ramsgate Harbour Multi Storey Car Park and Mill Lane Multi Storey Car Park.

Meeting: 26/09/2024 - Cabinet (Item 43)

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Cabinet considered the report on the procurement and award of a contract for security at the Port of Ramsgate, the Ramsgate Royal Harbour and other key security requirements at TDC. The estimated value of all lots within the contract would be £436k per year over a 5 year contract (3 years with potential for 2 year extension), making a total estimated contract value of £2.180 million.


The Port of Ramsgate and the Ramsgate Royal Harbour had a requirement for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, security. The security officers were required to monitor CCTV, conduct patrols of the port and marinas, control access to the port restricted area and conduct other security related duties on a daily basis. Also included in the contract was the Council’s requirements for security:


·  at the Cecil Street Council Offices

·  at Royal Harbour and Mill Lane multi storey car park where they open and close the car parks and provide an out of hours cover for the car parks

·  for seasonal and ad hoc security provision.


The existing contract expired in June 2023. The original supplier had agreed to maintain existing security cover as per the original terms and conditions of the contract until the retendering of the contract has been completed. Officers were focused on completing this procurement as soon as possible.


Councillor Rattigan spoke under Council Procedure Rule 20.1.


Councillor Everitt proposed Councillor Duckworth seconded and Cabinet agreed the following:


1.  The key decision to award a contract with a value in excess of £250k and thought to be approximately £2.18million over a five years period, to supply security at the Port of Ramsgate, Ramsgate Royal Harbour and other key security requirements at TDC, following a procurement exercise;


2.  That the Director of Environment, having sought advice from legal services, agree the final terms of any contract award and sign the contract with the successful bidder.

Meeting: 17/09/2024 - Overview & Scrutiny Panel (Item 33)

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Tony Marmo, Head of Coastal and Public Realm introduced the report and made the following comments:


·  This report was about the procurement and award of a contract for security at the Port of Ramsgate, the Ramsgate Royal Harbour and other key security requirements at TDC;

·  The estimated value of all lots within the contract would be £436k per year over a 5 year contract (3 years with potential for 2 year extension), making a total estimated contract value of £2.180m;

·  The Port of Ramsgate and the Ramsgate Royal Harbour had a requirement for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, security. The security officers are required to monitor CCTV, conduct patrols of the port and marinas, control access to the port restricted area and conduct other security related duties on a daily basis. Also included in the contract was the Council’s requirements for security:


§  At the Cecil Street Council Offices

§  At Royal Harbour and Mill Lane multi storey car park where they open and close the car parks and provide an out of hours cover for the car parks;

§  For Seasonal and ad Hoc security provision.


·  The existing contract expired in June 2023. The original supplier had agreed to maintain existing security cover as per the original terms and conditions of the contract until the retendering of the contract had been completed. Officers were focused on completing this procurement as soon as possible.


The Panel asked questions and made comments as follows:


·  One member asked if the seven lots of the proposed contract areas were these tendered as separate tenders or as one big tender;

·  Another member asked if this was a continuation of the existing contractor;

·  One Member said that if port operations increased, there would be a need for reviewing security arrangements.


Tony Marmo, Mike Humber, Director Environment and Matt Kenney, Maritime Operations Manager & Harbour Master responded as follows:


·  There would be seven lots of separate tenders;

·  This was a continuation of the contractor with the existing staff. If a new company were to win the tender, the staff would have to be TUPED over;

·  If port operations increased, officers would need to review the security arrangements to ensure that they were still appropriate.


The Panel noted the report and did not make any formal recommendations.