Issue - meetings
To approve the procurement and award of the contract for the refurbishment of the public toilets at Margate (Margate Subterrain Toilets).
Meeting: 26/09/2024 - Cabinet (Item 41)
41 Procurement of Public Toilets Works at Margate Main Sands PDF 128 KB
Additional documents:
- 24.2059.FEA05 - Proposed Roof Plan Elevation and Sections (1), item 41
PDF 185 KB
- 24.2059.FEA04A - Proposed Floor Plans_Option 1, item 41
PDF 325 KB
- Margate toilet block - Equality Impact Assessment, item 41
PDF 149 KB
Cabinet discussed the report on the procurement and award of a contract for the capital works to refurbish Margate Subterranean toilets and build new toilets that would allow equal access for disabled people. Subject to planning approval these toilets would be built above the entrance of the Margate Subterranean toilets.
Based on a report commissioned in 2022, the Council had committed to undertake both revenue repairs and a programme of capital build projects to improve the standard of public toilet provision across the district. The Margate Subterranean toilets located on Marine Drive near to Margate main sands were closed to the public and the existing facility was unsuitable for disabled use as they were underground and accessed by steep steps. Therefore, in order to address this the Council was proposing a DDA compliant toilet be added at promenade level, occupying some of the space of the existing staircase on both the ladies and gents toilet blocks.
RIBA stage 2 work had been completed and subject to Cabinet approval the project team was ready to proceed with stage 3 to enable the submission of a planning application and undertake procurement of a suitable contractor to undertake the works. £600k of capital funding had been allocated to undertake both the refurbishment and new build works required at Margate Subterranean toilets. Early cost estimates had indicated that all of the budget would be required to complete this work.
Councillor Rogers spoke under Council Procedure Rule 20.1.
Councillor Albon proposed, Councillor Keen seconded and Cabinet agreed the following:
1. The key decision to award a contract with a value in excess of £250k, to the successful bidder, following a procurement exercise for capital works to refurbish Margate Subterranean toilets and build new toilets above the entry of the Margate Subterranean toilets;
2. That the Director of Environment, having sought advice from legal services, agree the final terms of any contract award and sign the contract with the successful bidder.
Meeting: 17/09/2024 - Overview & Scrutiny Panel (Item 31)
31 Procurement of Public Toilets Works at Margate Main Sands PDF 77 KB
Additional documents:
- 24.2059.FEA05 - Proposed Roof Plan Elevation and Sections (1), item 31
PDF 185 KB
- 24.2059.FEA04A - Proposed Floor Plans_Option 1, item 31
PDF 325 KB
- Margate toilet block - Equality Impact Assessment, item 31
PDF 149 KB
Tony Marmo, Head of Coastal and Public Realm introduced the report and made the following comments:
· This report proposed the procurement and award of a contract for the capital works to refurbish Margate Subterranean toilets and build new toilets that allow equal access for disabled people. Subject to planning approval, the toilets would be built above the entrance of the Margate Subterranean toilets;
· Based on a report commissioned in 2022 the Council had committed to undertake both revenue repairs, and a programme of capital build projects to improve the standard of public toilet provision across the district;
· The Margate Subterranean toilets located on Marine Drive near to Margate main sands were closed to the public and the existing facility was unsuitable for disabled use as they were underground and accessed by steep steps. Therefore, in order to address this, the Council were proposing that a DDA compliant toilet be added at promenade level, occupying some of the space of the existing staircase on both the ladies and gents toilet blocks;
· RIBA stage 2 work had been completed and subject to Cabinet approval the project team was ready to proceed with stage 3 to enable the submission of a planning application and undertake procurement of a suitable contractor to undertake the works;
· £600k of capital funding had been allocated to undertake both the refurbishment and new build works required at Margate Subterranean toilets. Early cost estimates had indicated that all of the budget would be required to complete this work.
The Panel asked questions and made comments as follows:
· One member said that they welcomed these proposals to for works on the public toilets improvement at the Margate Main Sands;
· Would the works lead to the toilets being changing places compliant?
Tony Marmo, Mike Humber, Director Environment and Luke Glover, Coast & Engineering Services Manager responded as follows:
· A changing places toilet had not been considered in the design because there was not the space to accommodate such a facility;
· A changing places toilet would require a substantial increase in the size of the toilets and any larger size would most likely have not gained planning permission.
The Panel noted the report and did not make any formal recommendations to Cabinet.