Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Cecil Street, Margate, Kent. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
Link: This meeting will be live streamed
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Albon, Coleman-Cooke and Pat Moore. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest. Members are advised to consider the advice contained within the Declaration of Interest advice attached to this Agenda. If a Member declares an interest, they should complete the Declaration of Interest Form Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting To approve the Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 15/03/2023, copy attached. Minutes: Councillor Bayford proposed, Councillor Rusiecki seconded and Members agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 15 March 2023 be approved as a correct record. |
Minutes: PROPOSAL: Erection of 4no. 3 bed detached dwellings with associated access and landscaping following the demolition of a side extension to the existing dwelling.
Councillor Boyd spoke against the application under Council Rule 20.1.
It was proposed by the Chair and seconded by Councillor Shrubb:
THAT the officer’s recommendation be adopted, namely:
That the application be approved subject to the following conditions:
1 – The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.
GROUND: In accordance with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Purchase Act 2004).
2 – The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted drawings numbered 06D, 07, 08, 09, 10A, 11A, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 B.
GROUND: To secure the proper development of the area.
3 – The construction of the site shall be carried out in accordance with the Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) received 24th March 2023 unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
GROUND: In the interests of highway safety, neighbouring amenity and heritage, in accordance with Policies QD03 and HE03 of the Thanet Local Plan and the advice contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.
4 – Prior to their installation written and illustrative details of the type of Electric vehicle charging points (EVCP) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority before any of the units are first brought into use. The EVCP shall be maintained and kept in good working order thereafter as specified by the manufacturer.
GROUND: To protect air quality, in accordance with Policy SE05 of the Thanet Local Plan and the advice as contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.
5 – The development hereby permitted shall be constructed to a high standard of energy efficiency to the equivalent of Level 4 of the Code for Sustainable Homes, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.
GROUND: All new buildings and conversions of existing buildings must be designed to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and have resilience to function in a changing climate, in accordance with Policy QD01 of the Thanet Local Plan.
6 – The development hereby permitted shall be constructed in order to meet the required technical standard for water efficiency of 110 litres/person/day, thereby Part G2 Part 36 (2b) of Schedule 1 Regulation 36 to the Building Regulations 2010, as amended, applies.
GROUND: Thanet is within a water stress area as identified by the Environment Agency, and therefore new developments will be expected to meet the water efficiency optional requirement of 110 litre /person/day, in accordance with Policy QD04 of the Thanet Local Plan.
7 – If, during development, significant contamination is suspected or found to be present at the site, then works shall cease, and this contamination shall be fully assessed and an appropriate remediation scheme ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Update for OL/TH/21/1976 – All Saints Industrial Estate, All Saints Road, Margate Additional documents: Minutes: PROPOSAL: Outline application for the erection of 58 light industrial units (Use Class E(g)) and associated parking including access, appearance, layout and scale.
It was proposed by the Chair and seconded by Councillor Shrubb:
THAT the officer’s recommendation be adopted, namely:
That the application be approved subject to the following conditions:
1 – Approval of the details of the landscaping of the site, (hereinafter called 'the reserved matters') shall be obtained from the Local Planning Authority in writing before any development is commenced.
GROUND: As no such details have been submitted.
2 – Plans and particulars of the reserved matters referred to in Condition 1 above, shall be submitted in writing to the Local Planning Authority and shall be carried out as approved.
GROUND: In accordance with Section 92(2) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004).
3 – Application for approval of the reserved matters shall be made to the Local Planning Authority before the expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission.
GROUND: In accordance with Section 92(2) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004).
4 – The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of 2 years from the date of approval of the last of the reserved matters to be approved.
GROUND: In accordance with Section 92(2) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004).
5 – The proposed development shall be carried out in accordance (for access, appearance, layout and scale) with the submitted application as amended by the revised plans numbered 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 15 received 23 December 2021, 20 received 16 August 2022, 17 Rev B, 18 Rev B and 19 Rev B received 20 October 2022 and and 01 Rev E, 22 and J7/01043 received 16 February 2023.
GROUND: To secure the proper development of the area.
6 – No development shall take place until a detailed sustainable surface water drainage scheme for the site has been submitted to (and approved in writing by) the local planning authority. The detailed drainage scheme shall be based upon the principles Flood Risk Assessment prepared by BJB dated May 2016 demonstrate that the surface water generated by this development (for all rainfall durations and intensities up to and including the climate change adjusted critical 100 year storm) can be accommodated and disposed of within the curtilage of the site without increase to flood risk on or off-site. The drainage scheme shall also demonstrate that silt and pollutants resulting from the site use and construction can be adequately managed to ensure there is no pollution risk to receiving waters and appropriate operational, maintenance and access requirements for each drainage feature or SuDS component are adequately ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Schedule of Planning Applications To consider the report of the Deputy Chief Executive, copy attached for Members of the Committee.
Note: Copies of correspondence relating to applications received will be available for members’ perusal in the Members’ Room from 5.00pm on the Friday before the meeting until the date of the meeting. Additional documents: |
A01 R/TH/22/1650 - Land At New Haine Road, Ramsgate, Kent Minutes: PROPOSAL: Reserved matters application for the approval of layout, scale, landscaping and appearance for the erection of 117no. dwellings (Phase 2) including infrastructure, earthworks, drainage, equipped play and associated access pursuant to Hybrid planning permission F/TH/21/0417 comprising of outline planning with all matters reserved (except for access) for up to 322no. residential dwellings, and full planning for 178no. residential dwellings (Phase 1)
Ms Tamplin spoke in favour of the application.
It was proposed by the Chair and seconded by the Councillor Shrubb:
THAT the officer’s recommendation be adopted, namely:
That the application be approved subject to the following conditions:
1 – The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted drawings:
· 2205.01 Planning layout Rev P · 2205.Win.01 Winterton Rev C · 2205.Win.02 Winterton Rev B received 11 April 2023 · 2205.03 Materials Plan Rev D · 2205.04 Street Scenes Rev C · 2205.TEW.01 Tewksbury & Coach House Rev E · 2205.TEW.02 Tewksbury & Coach House Rev D · 2205.TEW.03 Tewksbury & Coach House Rev C · 2205.THA.01 Thanet Rev C · 2205.THA.05 Thanet 3-Block Rev B · 2205.WES.01 Westbrook Rev B · 2205.WES.02 Westbrook Rev B · 2205.WES.03 Westbrook Rev B received 16 March 2023 · 2205.THA.06 Thanet 3-Block Rev B · 2205.THA.07 Thanet 3-Block Rev B received 12 January 2023 · 2205.SG.01 Single Garage Rev A · 2205.TG.01 Twin Garage Rev A · 2205.ALD.01 Alder Rev A · 2205.ALD.02 Alder Rev A · 2205.CUL.01 Culver Rev A · 2205.CUL.02 Culver Rev A · 2205.ELM.01 Elmswell Rev A · 2205.ELM.02 Elmswell Rev A · 2205.ELM.03 Elmswell Rev A · 2205.FOX.01 Foxglove Rev A · 2205.FOX.02 Foxglove Rev A · 2205.FRA.01 Frampton Rev A · 2205.FRA.02 Frampton Rev A · 2205.HAZ.01 Hazelborough Rev A · 2205.HAZ.02 Hazelborough Rev A · 2205.HAZ.03 Hazelborough Rev A · 2205.N2B4.01 Type C Rev B · 2205.N2B4.02 Type C Rev B · 2205.THA.02 Thanet Rev B · 2205.THA.03 Thanet Rev A · 2205.THA.04 Thanet 3-Block Rev A · 2205.WES.04 Westbrook Rev A · 2205.WYC.01 Wychwood Rev A · 2205.WYC.02 Wychwood Rev A · 2205.CS.01 Cycle Store Plots 276 - 293 Rev A · 2205.CS.02 Cycle Store Plots 188- 193 Rev A · 2205.CS.03 Cycle Store Plots 263- 274 Rev A · 2205.BS.01 Bin Store 282 - 287 Rev A · 2205.BS.CS.01 Bin / cycle store plots 197 - 187 Rev A received 09 January 2023
GROUND: To secure the proper development of the area.
2 – Prior to the first occupation of the development hereby permitted, the access and access roads as shown on the submitted plan numbered 2205.01 Rev P shall be provided and made operational.
GROUND: In the interests of highway safety in accordance with the advice contained within the NPPF.
3 – Prior to the first occupation of any dwelling within the development hereby permitted, the vehicle parking spaces relating to that dwelling, including the garage and car port, and visitor parking spaces, as shown on the approved plan numbered 2205.01 Rev P shall be provided and permanently retained.
GROUND: In the interests of highway safety in accordance with the advice contained within the NPPF.
4 – Prior to the first use of the development hereby permitted, the vehicle turning facilities as shown available on the approved plan numbered ... view the full minutes text for item 6a |
A02 FH/TH/23/0138 - 54 Stone Road, Broadstairs, Kent, CT10 1DZ Minutes: PROPOSAL: Erection of two storey front and rear extensions together with 4 roof lights, front flat roof porch and first floor rear balcony and alterations to fenestration and materials.
Mrs Goddard spoke against of the application.
It was proposed by the Chair and seconded by the Councillor Shrubb:
THAT the officer’s recommendation be adopted, namely:
That the application be approved subject to the following conditions:
1 – The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.
GROUND: In accordance with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Purchase Act 2004).
2 – The proposed development shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted application and the approved drawings numbered 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08.
GROUND: To secure the proper development of the area.
3 – Prior to the construction of the external surfaces of the development hereby approved, details and manufacturer's specification of the external materials shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.
GROUND: In the interests of visual amenity in accordance with Policy QD02 of the Thanet Local Plan.
4 – The front brick and flint boundary wall shall be retained as part of this development.
GROUND: In the interests of visual amenity in accordance with Policy QD02 of the Thanet Local Plan.
Upon being put to the vote, the motion was declared LOST.
It was proposed by Councillor Bayford, seconded by Councillor Paul Moore and members agreed:
This item be deferred for a future planning committee after a site visit has been carried out following the June committee meeting. |
A04 F/TH/22/1638 - Pier Head Shelter, The Harbour, Broadstairs, Kent, CT10 1EU Minutes: PROPOSAL: Erection of single storey front, side and rear extensions to existing restaurant together with landscaping and seating areas.
Mr Miles spoke in favour of the application.
It was proposed by the Chair and seconded by Councillor Shrubb:
THAT the officer’s recommendation be adopted, namely:
That the application be approved subject to the following conditions:
1 – The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.
GROUND: In accordance with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Purchase Act 2004).
2 – The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted drawings numbered 05, 06, 07 and 08 received 26 February 2021.
GROUND: To secure the proper development of the area.
3 – The external surfaces of the development, hereby permitted, shall be constructed using vertical and horizontal black cladding, concrete framed picture windows, and black aluminium framed glazing, as annotated on the Proposed Elevations drawing numbered 08 received 6 December 2022.
GROUND: To safeguard the special character and appearance of the area as a Conservation Area in accordance with Policy HE02 of the Thanet Local Plan and the advice as contained within the NPPF.
4 – Prior to the first use of the extension hereby approved 6 benches shall be installed on the north facing elevation of the building and 4 concrete benches shall be installed on the eastern (seaward facing) elevation, in the location shown on amended drawing numbered 06A, received 23 March 2023. The benches installed shall thereafter be made available and maintained for public seating and flood mitigation purposes, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
GROUND: To enhance the public amenity space and limit flood risk, in accordance with Policies QD02 and CC01 of the Thanet Local Plan.
5 – Prior to the first use of the extension hereby approved the cycle parking shown on drawing numbered 06A, to the northern elevation of the building, shall be provided and thereafter maintained for cycle parking.
GROUND: To promote cycling as an alternative form of transport, in accordance with Policy TP03 and SP43 of the Thanet Local Plan.
6 – Prior to the first use of the extension hereby approved the flood mitigation measures as set out in the submitted Extension Flood Risk Assessment (RMB Consultants) (Civil Engineering) Ltd December, dated 2022, shall be fully implemented.
GROUND: To reduce any impact of flooding in accordance with Policy CC01 of the Thanet Local Plan and advice contained within the NPPF.
Upon being put to the vote, the motion was declared CARRIED. |
A03 FH/TH/23/0121 - 85 Salisbury Avenue, Broadstairs, Kent, CT10 2EB Minutes: The Chair informed the committee that this item was withdrawn due to the applicant withdrawing their application, pending further amendments. |
R07 FH/TH/23/0031 - Little Upton Vale Road, Broadstairs, Kent, CT10 2JJ Minutes: PROPOSAL: Erection of a detached single storey, pitched roof, outbuilding (retrospective) following the demolition of existing outbuilding.
Mr Bryen spoke against the application.
It was proposed by the Chair and seconded by Councillor Shrubb:
THAT the officer’s recommendation be adopted, namely:
That the application be refused subject to the following conditions:
1 – The retention of the outbuilding within the curtilage of this Grade II listed building would harm its setting by virtue of its location, footprint and scale. As a result the outbuilding would obscure views of the architecture of this building which is the reason for its listing. The proposal would not result in any public benefit to outweigh the identified harm. The proposal is therefore contrary to the setting of the listed building contrary to paragraphs 195, 197, 200 and 202 and policy HE03 of the Local Plan.
Upon being put to the vote, the motion was declared CARRIED. |
A05 L/TH/23/0164 - Public Conveniences Stone Pier, Margate, Kent, CT9 1AP Minutes: PROPOSAL: Application for Listed Building Consent for installation of replacement entrance doors and internal alterations.
It was proposed by Councillor Bayford, seconded by Councillor Shrubb and members agreed:
THAT this application has not been reserved for debate and will be determined in accordance with the Officer’s recommendations:
That the application be approved subject to the following conditions:
1 – The works hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.
GROUND: In pursuance of Section 18 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004).
2 – The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted drawings numbered CR/22-23/04-03 received 31 January 2023.
GROUND: To secure the proper development of the area.
3 – Precise details of any new external doors, including their colour finish, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such details as are approved shall be carried out concurrently with the development and fully implemented prior to the first use of any part of the approved development.
GROUND: To secure a satisfactory external treatment and to safeguard the special character and appearance of the designated heritage asset in accordance with Thanet Local Plan policy HE03 and advice contained within the National Planning Policy Framework. |
A06 F/TH/23/0216 - Nethercourt Touring Park, Nethercourt Hill, Ramsgate, Kent, CT11 0RX Minutes: PROPOSAL: Erection of 1.9 metre high wall to Nethercourt Touring Park boundary between Nos 17 and 24 Kendal Close.
It was proposed by Councillor Bayford, seconded by Councillor Shrubb and members agreed:
THAT this application has not been reserved for debate and will be determined in accordance with the Officer’s recommendations:
That the application be approved subject to the following conditions:
1 – The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.
GROUND: In accordance with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Purchase Act 2004).
2 – The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted drawings numbered CR/22-23/01 and CR/22-23/02, received 9 February 2023.
GROUND: To secure the proper development of the area.
3 – The bricks to be used in the construction of the wall hereby approved shall be red multi stock unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
GROUND: In the interests of visual amenity in accordance with Policy QD02 of the Thanet Local Plan.
4 – The bricks to be used for the construction of the wall hereby approved shall be red multi stock unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
GROUND: In the interests of visual amenity in accordance with Policy QD02 of the Thanet Local Plan.
5 – The wall hereby approved shall be erected in the location identified on drawing numbered CR/22-23/02 received 9 February 2023.
GROUND: To secure the proper development of the area. |