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Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Cecil Street, Margate, Kent. View directions
Contact: Gabriella Stewart
Link: This meeting will be live-streamed
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from the following members:
Councillor Paul Moore; Councillor Makinson, substituted by Councillor Everitt. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest. Members are advised to consider the advice contained within the Declaration of Interest advice attached to this Agenda. If a Member declares an interest, they should complete the Declaration of Interest Form Minutes: There following members made significant declarations of interest on agenda item 5c, A03 F/TH/24/1019 - Glendevon Guest House 8 Truro Road, Ramsgate:
Councillor Everitt; Councillor Albon; Councillor Keen; Councillor K. Bright. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 145 KB To approve the Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 16 October 2024, copy attached. Minutes: Councillor Crittenden proposed, Councillor Albon seconded and the committee agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 16 October 2024 be approved as a correct record. |
F/TH/24/0414 - Upton Country Primary School, Broadstairs PDF 97 KB Additional documents: Minutes: PROPOSAL: Variation of condition 10 of planning permission F/TH/21/0817 for the "Erection of new sports hall following demolition of existing sports hall" to allow use of lights when school not in use.
The Chair proposed and Councillor Everitt seconded that members approve the application subject to the safeguarding conditions as set out within the report contained within Annex 1 (to the committee report) and as detailed below:
1 The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted drawings numbered 2005-MEB-XX-00-DR-A-3-100 Rev B, 2005-MEB-XX00-DR-A-3-102 Rev G, 2005-MEB-XX-00-DR-A-3-103 Rev B, 2005-MEB-XX-00-DRA-3-302 Rev D, 2005-MEB-XX-00-DR-A-3-303 Rev A (notwithstanding the incorrect annotation RAL5003), 2005-MEB-XX-00-DR-A-3-305 Rev B received 28 July 2021; the air conditioning specification documents received 2nd August 2021; and the new pitch layout details, received 23rd August 2021; and the lighting analysis received on 7th June 2024 and the Agent's email confirming fitting of the light shields received on 21st August 2024
GROUND: To secure the proper development of the area.
2 Ecological enhancements shall be provided within the site in accordance with the following details, and prior to the first use of the development: - Plan Number 2005-MEB-XX-00-DR-A-3-100 Rev B, Titled Existing Location Plan and Block Plan, Dated July 2021, together with the associated photographs, Received 26th January 2022 - Plan Number MEB-XX-00-DR-A-3-600 Rev A, Titled Wild Area, Dated 3rd April 2022 and Received 28th March 2022.
GROUND: In accordance with the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework and policies SP30 and QD02 of the Thanet Local Plan.
3 Prior to the first use of the building hereby approved, a sound limiting device shall be installed. All live and recorded music must be played through the sound limiter. The overall Music Noise Level (Leq 5mins) must not exceed 10dB below the Background Noise Level (LA90) without the Music Noise Level present, in each octave band at the nearest noise sensitive location. This shall be maintained for the lifetime of the development unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
GROUND: To safeguard the residential amenities currently enjoyed by the occupiers of nearby residential properties in accordance with Policy QD03 of the Thanet Local Plan.
4 Prior to the first use of the sports hall hereby permitted, the affected football pitch shall be re-provided on a west/east axis, with a minimum 3m clear safety run off area from all perimeter lines, in accordance with the submitted pitch run-off plan received 23rd August 2021.
GROUND: To ensure that there is no loss of playing pitches as a result of the development in accordance with Policy GI05 of the Thanet Local Plan.
5 All external lighting including the bollard lighting (with shields), and the bulk head lights (with integral shields) on the sports hall hereby approved, shall not be used outside of the hours of: Term time Monday to Friday 8am to 10pm; during school holidays, Saturdays and bank holidays 8am to 10pm; and Sundays 9am to 8pm, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |
Schedule of Planning Applications PDF 89 KB To consider the report of the Director of Place, copy attached for Members of the Committee.
Note: Copies of correspondence relating to applications received will be available for members’ perusal in the Members’ Room from 5.00pm on the Friday before the meeting until the date of the meeting. Additional documents: |
A01 F/TH/23/0713 - Arlington House All Saints Avenue, Margate PDF 110 KB Minutes: PROPOSAL: Installation of aluminium framed replacement windows.
Mr Tony Fisher spoke against the application.
It was proposed by the Chair and seconded by Councillor Albon:
THAT the officer’s recommendation be adopted, namely that the application be approved for the following reasons:
1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.
GROUND: In accordance with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Purchase Act 2004).
2 The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted drawings numbered 001, 002, 004 and documents entitled Planning Statement, Design and Access Statement and Existing Full Elevations and proposed window details Type A, A1, B, C, D, E F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W received on 4th March 2024, and amended drawing no. 102 Rev B received on 3rd September 2024. GROUND; To secure the proper development of the area.
3 The windows hereby permitted shall be constructed using anodised aluminium frames with double glazing in accordance with the approved plans 102 Rev B received on 3rd September 2024 and proposed window details Type A, A1, B, C, D, E F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W received on 4th March 2024. Type A windows shall open inwards only.
GROUND: In the interests of visual amenity in accordance with Policy QD02 of the Thanet Local Plan.
4 The external windows hereby approved shall be of the same colour and finish as those on the existing property, with details to be submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the installation of any window. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.
GROUND: To safeguard the special character and appearance of the area as a Conservation Area in accordance with Policy HE02 of the Thanet Local Plan and the advice as contained within the NPPF.
5 Prior to the installation of the anodised aluminium trim to the soffit head hereby approved, details and manufacturer's specification; shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.
GROUND: In the interests of visual amenity in accordance with Policy QD02 of the Thanet Local Plan 6 Prior to the commencement of any development on site details to include the following shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority and should be carried out in accordance with the approved details. (a) Routing of construction and delivery vehicles to / from site (b) Parking and turning areas for construction and delivery vehicles and site personnel (c) Timing of deliveries (d) Temporary traffic management / signage (e) Measures to control noise affecting nearby residents (g) Dust control measures (g) Access arrangements (h) Details of preventative measures to avoid noise and ... view the full minutes text for item 10a |
A02 FH/TH/24/0488 - Zero (Binbrook Lodge) Kingsgate Bay Road, Broadstairs PDF 184 KB Minutes: PROPOSAL: Variation of condition 2 of planning permission FH/TH/21/0472 for the 'Erection of extension to front elevation, installation of solar panels, alterations to entrance gates and formation of new pedestrian access together with alterations to hard landscaping' to allow increase to parapet height from 3375mm to 3565mm
Mr Maddison spoke in favour of the application.
Mr Poltera spoke against the application.
It was proposed by the Chair and seconded by Councillor Albon:
THAT the officer’s recommendation be adopted, namely that the application be approved for the following reasons:
1 The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted drawings numbered 003 Rev B and 004 Rev B, received 14 April 2021, and 002 Rev D, received 29 April 2024.
GROUND: To secure the proper development of the area.
2 The external materials and external finishes to be used in the development hereby approved shall be oak, brick and stone cladding, as detailed on the approved drawings numbered 002 Rev D received 29 April 2024, and 004 Rev B received 14 April 2021, with the hard landscaping materials matching existing materials, and the new entrance gates shall be constructed of oak, with the pillars either side constructed in matching flint work, as detailed on approved drawing numbered 003 Rev B received 14 April 2021.
GROUND: To safeguard the special character and appearance of the area as a Conservation Area in accordance with Policy HE02 of the Thanet Local Plan and the advice as contained within the NPPF.
3 The new and replacement access gates hereby permitted shall be located in the position shown and open away from the highway as shown on approved drawing numbered 003 Rev B, received 14 April 2021. GROUND: In the interests of highway safety, in accordance with the advice contained within the NPPF.
Upon being put to the vote, the motion was declared CARRIED.
R04 F/TH/24/0473 - Disused Railway Line Tivoli Road, Margate PDF 238 KB Minutes: PROPOSAL: Erection of a 3-bed two storey semi-detached dwelling together with access and parking.
Ms Polly Brown spoke in favour of the application.
Councillor Pope spoke under Council Procedure Rule 20.1.
It was proposed by the Chair and seconded by Councillor Rusiecki namely that the application be refused for the following reasons:
1 The proposed development, by virtue of its prominent location, would therefore result in a cramped, congested, and obtrusive form of development that creates a sense of enclosure to the public footway and results in the loss of agreed soft landscaping that was intended for achieving opportunities for ecological enhancements to biodiversity within the site. The proposal is not considered to overcome the previous reason for refusal, and is considered to diminish the overall quality of the approved development, and would therefore significantly and harmfully detract from the character and appearance of the area, contrary to Policy QD02 of the Thanet Local Plan, and paragraphs 135, 140 and 186 of the NPPF.
2 The proposed development will result in increased recreational pressure on the Thanet Coast and Sandwich Bay Special Protection Area (SPA), and Sandwich Bay and Hacklinge Marshes Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), and in the absence of an acceptable form of mitigation to relieve the pressure, the proposed development would be contrary to paragraph 188 of the NPPF and the Habitats Directive.
Upon being put to the vote, the motion was declared CARRIED.
D06 F/TH/24/0640 - Rooks Delicatessen 7 - 9 King Street, Ramsgate PDF 223 KB Minutes: PROPOSAL: Erection of a second floor extension together with increase in roof height with the insertion of 1No dormer to front and 3No dormers to the side to facilitate the creation of 2No 1-bed and 1No 2-bed self-contained flats, installation of 1No balcony to the rear elevation following alterations to fenestration and internal layout.
Mr Ahmadi Abdolvand spoke in favour of the application.
Ms Birch spoke against the application.
Councillor Huxley spoke under Council Procedure Rule 20.1.
It was proposed by the Chair and seconded by the Vice-Chair:
THAT the officer’s recommendation be adopted, namely that the application be Defer and delegate for approval subject to the submission of a signed legal agreement securing the outlined contributions within 6 months and subject to the following conditions:
1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.
GROUND: In accordance with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Purchase Act 2004).
2 The proposed development shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted application and the approved drawings numbered DTK 24/1403 and DTK 24/1404.
GROUND To secure the proper development of the area.
3 The dwelling hereby permitted shall be constructed in white render, slate roof, aluminium fenestration in black powder coating unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
GROUND In the interests of visual amenity in accordance with Policy QD02 of the Thanet Local Plan. 4 Prior to the erection of the false pitched roof hereby approved, samples of the slate roof tile shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.
GROUND In the interests of visual amenity in accordance with Policies HE02 and QD02 of the Thanet Local Plan 5 All new window and door openings shall be set within a reveal of not less than 100mm.
GROUND In the interests of visual amenity in accordance with Policy QD02 of the Thanet Local Plan 6 Prior to the first use of the balcony hereby approved, a privacy screen of not less than 1.8m in height shall be provided and maintained to a minimum level of obscurity to conform to Pilkington Glass level 4 or equivalent and permanently retained thereafter.
GROUND To safeguard the privacy and amenities currently enjoyed by the occupiers of adjoining residential properties in accordance with policy QD03 of the Thanet Local Plan.
7 Prior to the commencement of any development on site details to include the following shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority and should be carried out in accordance with the approved details.
(a) Parking and turning areas for construction and delivery vehicles and site personnel (b) (b) Timing of deliveries (c) (c) Measures to control noise affecting nearby residents (d) (d) Dust control measures (e) (e) Location of storage area for materials
GROUND In the interests ... view the full minutes text for item 10d |
D05 F/TH/24/0563 - 30 North Foreland Road, Broadstairs PDF 230 KB Minutes: The item was deferred to a future meeting.
A03 F/TH/24/1019 - Glendevon Guest House 8 Truro Road, Ramsgate PDF 231 KB Minutes: PROPOSAL: LOCATION: Change of use from Guest House (Use Class C1) to temporary residential accommodation comprising of 7No units (Sui Generis) with cycle storage and retained access from Truro Road.
Councillors Everitt, Albon, Keen and K. Bright left the Council Chamber before the start of discussion for this agenda item.
It was proposed by the Chair and seconded by Councillor Rusiecki:
THAT the officer’s recommendation be adopted, namely that the application be approved for the following reasons:
1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.
GROUND: In accordance with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Purchase Act 2004).
2 The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted drawings numbered PL06A, PLO7A, PLO8, PLO9 and PL10.
GROUND: To secure the proper development of the area. 3 The development hereby permitted shall be constructed in order to meet the required technical standard for water efficiency of 110 litres/person/day, thereby Part G2 Part 36 (2b) of Schedule 1 Regulation 36 to the Building Regulations 2010, as amended, applies.
GROUND: Thanet is within a water stress area as identified by the Environment Agency, and therefore new developments will be expected to meet the water efficiency optional requirement of 110 litres /person/day, in accordance with Policy QD04 of the Thanet Local Plan 4 The units hereby permitted shall only be occupied by residents for a maximum continuous period of up to 6 months, beginning on the date of first occupation of the respective unit.
GROUND: o ensure the standard of accommodation created is sufficient when deviating from the Nationally Described Space Standards, and expected internal noise standards, in accordance with the objectives of Policies QD03 and QD04 of the Thanet Local Plan.
5 The bin and cycle storage shown on the approved plan shall be provided prior to the first occupation of the development hereby permitted and thereafter retained.
GROUND: In the interests of the residential amenities of future occupiers and to promote cycling as an alternative form of transport, in accordance with Policies SP43, QD03 and TP03 of the Thanet Local Plan.
Upon being put to the vote, the motion was declared CARRIED. |