Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Cecil Street, Margate, Kent. View directions

Contact: Steven Matthews 

Link: This meeting will be live-streamed


No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Councillors Bambridge, Driver and H. Scobie.


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 113 KB

To receive any declarations of interest.  Members are advised to consider the advice contained within the Declaration of Interest advice attached to this Agenda.  If a Member declares an interest, they should complete the Declaration of Interest Form 



There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 65 KB

To approve the Minutes of the Licensing Board meeting held on 25 July 2023, copy attached.


Councillor Makinson proposed, Councillor Rogers seconded and Members agreed that the minutes of the Licensing Board held on 25 July 2023 be signed as a correct record.


Licensing Sub-Committee Minutes pdf icon PDF 71 KB

To approve the minutes of the Licensing Sub-Committee meeting held on 25 July 2023, copy attached.


Councillor Dennis proposed, Councillor Makinson seconded and Members agreed that the minutes of the Licensing Sub-Committee held on 25 July 2023 be signed as a correct record.


Revision to the Tariff for Hackney Carriage Vehicles in Thanet pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Additional documents:


Ms. Alison Brock, Technical Support Manager, introduced the report and made the following points:


·  Some drivers had been in contact with Thanet District Council asking for the prices to be reviewed by the Licensing Team;

·  Any changes agreed would need to be advertised to the public first before being implemented in April 2024.


Members asked questions to the Technical Support Team Manager and discussion followed:


·  Members asked officers if the prices could be applied incrementally, rather than all at once. Officers replied to say that drivers could choose to, but the Council would not be able to impose an incremental increase;

·  Members wanted to know how Thanet compared to other authorities throughout Kent. Officers compared Thanet’s prices to Dover as Thanet was the lowest throughout Kent and Dover was closest both price and location wise. They told Members that Thanet currently charges £6.21 per 2 mile journey, compared to Dover who currently charge £7.10;

·  Members asked officers what the difference was between the different tariffs they were presented in the report. Officers explained that Tariff 1 related to prices between 6AM and midnight every day; Tariff 2 related to the prices after midnight hours and during Bank Holidays and Tariff 3 related to Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve specifically;

·  Members expressed optimism that increasing the rates could result in more people choosing to become taxi drivers.


Councillor Wing proposed, Councillor Ara seconded and Members agreed:


That fare prices will be increased by 20% and that the Licensing Board reviews the prices again in 2025 and adjust as needed.


Exclusion of Public and Press pdf icon PDF 70 KB


This item was not considered as it related to item 7 that was deferred to a future Licensing Board meeting.


Licence to Drive Private Hire Vehicles


This item was deferred to a future Licensing Board meeting.