Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Cecil Street, Margate, Kent
Contact: James Clapson
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from KCC Councillor Dawson, TDC Councillor Crittenden and Town Councillor Pennington. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest. Members are advised to consider the advice contained within the Declaration of Interest advice attached to this Agenda. If a Member declares an interest, they should complete the Declaration of Interest Form.
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting To approve the Minutes of the Joint Transportation Board meeting held on 15 December 2020, copy attached. Minutes: Councillor M Saunders proposed, Councillor Hart seconded and Members agreed the minutes to be a correct record of the meeting held on 15 December 2020. |
Highway Works Programme – 2020/21 onwards Minutes: Mr Valek, District Manager, KCC Highways, Transportation and Waste Service introduced the report which provided an update on schemes approved for construction in 2020/21.
During presentation of the report was noted that:
In response to questions and comments from Members it was noted that: · Concerns had been raised to a Member that the street lighting in Elm Grove, Westgate was inadequate to allow women to safety walk at night time. · The interactive 30mph sign at the Brunswick road junction near Quex Park was not working and would not be replaced. Members received a lot of correspondence from residents in the area who had concerns about the speed cars travelled across the junction. Mr Valek would arrange for Councillor Fellows and Councillor Hurst to be provided with more information regarding the issue. · Crash data history could be accessed through a link on KCC highways website.( · Mr Valek would arrange for Councillor Binks to be provided with more information regarding the reasoning for the replacement of the traffic lights in Broadstairs High Street.
The report was noted.