Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Cecil Street, Margate, Kent. View directions
Contact: James Clapson
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Cornford, Farrance, Game, Hart, Lewis and Yates.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest. Members are advised to consider the advice contained within the Declaration of Interest advice attached to this Agenda. If a Member declares an interest, they should complete the Declaration of Interest Form.
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting To approve the Minutes of the Joint Transportation Board meeting held on 16.9.2021, copy attached. Minutes: Councillor Fellows proposed, Councillor Crow-Brown seconded and Members agreed the minutes to be a correct record of the meeting held on 16 September 2021.
Highways Forward Works Programme: 2021/22 and 2022/23 Minutes: Members noted the report. |
Local Winter Service Plan Minutes: Members noted the report.
Active Travel Plan A28 Canterbury Road Minutes: Parish Councillor Blankley spoke on behalf of Birchington Parish Council. During his address the following points were noted: · The Parish Council recognised the many benefits of cycling, however the proposals were not well thought through and could result in a risk to health and the environment. · No evidence had been provided to explain the rationale for the route. · The resulting impact on traffic congestion from reducing the number of lanes was unknown. The proposals for new housing developments in the area had been agreed with the assumption that the road would remain a two lane highway. · The design put cyclists and pedestrians in conflict at certain points, and users would still need to cross the road to reach the schools.
Members of the Board then offered the following comments about the Plan: · Cyclists could use the Esplanade which was nearby. · The A28 was a major road into Thanet and should not be reduced in size. · The closure of Epple Road was a major concern. · There was no demand for a cycle route. · There should have been engagement with Birchington Parish Council and Westgate-on-Sea Town Council.
Councillor Fellows proposed, Councillor Binks seconded and the Board agreed that they did not support the proposals in the Active Travel Plan - A28 Canterbury Road. |
Future High Street Funds - Ramsgate Highways Improvement Scheme Additional documents:
Minutes: Mr Burton, Asset Development Manager, TDC, introduced the report. He outlined the key points and gave a summary of the consultation responses received. During the introduction the following points were noted:
The Board made the following comments about the Scheme:
Mr Burton thanked Members for their suggestions and advised that funding was available through the High Streets Heritage Action Zone and the Levelling Up Fund that could be used to tackle a number of the issues that fell outside the scope of the Highways Scheme.
Councillor Crow-Brown proposed, Councillor Shonk seconded and the Board agreed to endorse the proposed scheme with the additional improvements suggested by the Board.