Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Cecil Street, Margate, Kent. View directions
Contact: Steven Matthews
Link: This meeting will be live streamed
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Binks. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest. Members are advised to consider the advice contained within the Declaration of Interest advice attached to this Agenda. If a Member declares an interest, they should complete the Declaration of Interest Form.
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting To approve the Minutes of the Joint Transportation Board meeting held on 09/06/22, copy attached. Minutes: Councillor Scobie proposed, Councillor Crow-Brown seconded and Members agreed that the minutes be approved as a correct record of the meeting held on 9 June 2022. |
Parking & Waiting Review for Various Locations Across Thanet Minutes: Abigail Young, Parking Policy Officer, TDC, provided an overview of the Parking & Waiting Review including the following proposals: · Hibernia Street, Ramsgate – Extending the double yellow lines into a layby as access to the driveway of number 2 is hindered when trying to exit to the right · Tothill Street, Minster, Ramsgate – Install new double yellow lines to assist with access issues for emergency services and large waste and recycling vehicles · Ayton Road, Ramsgate – New double yellow lines on the tight bend outside 16, due to access issues for waste and recycling vehicles · St Georges Road, Broadstairs – New double yellow lines at the junction opposite, due to vehicles parking on the footway, meaning pedestrians have to walk into the road itself · Harold Road, Margate – Extending the double yellow lines already there, across the driveway of 56. This is to be in line with other residents in the area · Herbert Place, Margate – The address at number 8 to 11 to be added to the Margate West Permit Zone · Glebe Road / Gele Gardens, Garlinge, Margate – New double yellow lines to assist with access issues caused by vehicles parking close to tight bends · Old Boundary Road, Westgate-on-Sea – New double yellow lines for the entire length to improve flow of traffic and access
The following discussion opened up after the report was given:
· Cllr. Quittenden wanted further clarification on the Tothill Street yellow lines. The officer replied by saying the request came from a member of the public and was being presented to this committee for approval · Cllr. Shonk asked how many enforcement officers are there and he expressed concerns about not having enough. The officer replied that a recent recruitment has brought in two more enforcement officers · Cllr. Cornford’s question was regarding Old Boundary Road and wanted to know if there were any plans to review the parking charges in the car park. The officer replied that the current charges are seasonal and only active between April and October, but there is no plans to review the charges at the current time. The proposal for double yellow lines came from the public who live in the area · Cllr. Lewis asked about Limes Surgery car park since the barriers had been vandalised and are non-functional. The officer replied by saying the car park is still fully chargeable, also TDC are still looking at options for that car park to see how it can be improved. Cllr. Lewis requested a more in-depth answer at the next committee meeting · Cllr. Hart brought up the Mill Lane car park and wanted to note there’s no height restriction marking · Cllr. Tonks expressed his concern with cars parking along Ramsgate Harbour Arm when there’s a sign restricting parking unless you’re fishing. He said that this is being abused and is resulting in a loss of revenue. The officer replied by saying this is managed by a different department, so she’ll have to get back to the member
Councillor Crow-Brown proposed, Councillor ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Casualty Reduction Measures - Northdown Road, Margate Additional documents:
Minutes: KCC officers were not present to present the report, so the committee moved onto discussion of the agenda report:
· Cllr. Yates asks how he can complain that the director of Highways and Transportation is not meeting the committee · Cllr. Shonk expressed his frustration with KCC officers not coming to the Joint Transport Board in person · Cllr. Hart asked if it is possible for a hybrid meeting, Cllr. Saunders responded, explaining why it was not possible to have a hybrid meeting and to have KCC officers attend virtually as it would mean live streaming the meeting would not work · Cllr. Wright asked if it would be possible to upgrade the systems in place so that a hybrid style meeting would work. Charles Hungwe, Senior Democratic Services Officer replied that costs would need to be considered as well as the council already upgrading to the current system. He suggested that this be brought forward to CMT, but in the meantime the board chair can engage with the cabinet member for Transport in KCC, to see if they can agree to using the arrangements before Covid where the officers would come in person o Cllr. Saunders also responded by saying that she spoke to Cllr. Binks who spoke to the KCC member who allegedly told his officers that they can come in person if they wish o Cllr. Lewis spoke up to say he spoke to the cabinet member of KCC who told him he didn’t want to instruct his officers to come to this meeting · Cllr. Shonk further expressed his frustration that the committee has questions that are going unanswered · Cllr. Crow-Brown added that he also heard that travel is a concern, however one of the officers he says lives locally · Cllr. Fellows proposed that the committee not progress on any items on the agenda submitted by KCC until an officer comes to the meeting itself · Cllr. Lewis said that he is concerned that items in future meetings would be deferred indefinitely meaning proposals residents want would be delayed · Cllr. Yates expressed that he believes the committee is being disrespected in the report as discussion over 20MPH zones was descripted as “noise”. He also said that the report itself makes no reference of the committee’s recommendations · Cllr. Hart suggested that the agenda items submitted by KCC in this committee meeting be deferred to the next Joint Transport Board meeting · Cllr. Wright wanted it noted that the work from the TDC officer present is appreciated and compliments her for her hard work
Councillor Fellows proposed, Councillor Scobie seconded and Members agreed:
That agenda items 5 and 6 be deferred to the next Joint Transport Board meeting. |
The Highway Works Programme Minutes: This item agenda, as well as item agenda 5 has been referred to the Joint Transport Meeting on 13 December 2022. |