Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Cecil Street, Margate, Kent. View directions
Contact: Steven Matthews
Link: This meeting will be live-streamed
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from KCC Councillors Crow-Browne and Lewis. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest. Members are advised to consider the advice contained within the Declaration of Interest advice attached to this Agenda. If a Member declares an interest, they should complete the Declaration of Interest Form.
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting To approve the Minutes of the Joint Transportation Board meeting held on 6 June 2024, copy attached. Minutes: Councillor Matterface proposed, Councillor Bright seconded and Councillors agreed that the minutes be approved as a correct record of the meeting held on 6 June 2024. |
Highway Works Programme Minutes: The Chair introduced this item and invited members of the Board to make comments:
· Regarding Appendix B, it was noted that works were being planned for the drainage in Dane Court Road, which was still being studied for further works; · Regarding Appendix D, Councillors mentioned the plans for High Street, Broadstairs, which involved build-outs and remarking of parking bays. It was initially thought that these works would not go ahead, however the appendix now detailed that works were ordered for October. Councillors put forward objections to this as the road itself was already narrow and it was deemed the works were unnecessary; · Regarding Appendix F, Councillors wanted to know if there were any future plans for the bridge on Ramsgate Road. It was discussed that plans for this bridge were still being worked on.
Councillors noted the report. |
Margate Road, Ramsgate - Proposed Zebra Crossing Consultation Results Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chair introduced this item and invited members of the Board to make comments:
· Councillors agreed that a zebra crossing in this area was needed and that the plans satisfied safety requirements; · There were concerns amongst Councillors that the planned location for the crossing was not the best placement for it, with the possibility of further car accidents, or causing further congestion; · There were also concerns that these plans would mean the removal of a refuge island at the end of Whitehall Road, which Councillors believed could increase risk of collision with large vehicles turning into the road; · Councillors also noted that during the consultation process, members of the public as well as the Ramsgate Town Council gave their approval for the scheme, however it was suggested that this may have been more of an approval for the overall idea of the crossing rather than the approval of the location;
The Chair proposed, Councillor Davis seconded and Members agreed:
That Councillors note the contents of the report and the consultation report and agree with the proposed plans for the zebra crossing, however there were concerns regarding the placement of the crossing being too near Whitehall Road, with the suggestion of moving the crossing further South and for KCC officers to consider retaining the refuge crossing that was proposed to be removed. |
Thanet Loop Improvements - Phase 2 Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair introduced this item and invited members of the Board to make comments:
No comments were made by the Councillors.
The Chair proposed, the Vice-Chair seconded and Members agreed:
That Councillors recommend the proposed Traffic Regulation Orders that have been made and recommend the proposed changes to the QEQM Hospital junction on A254, Ramsgate Road are implemented. |
Dumpton Park Drive Report and Petition Minutes: Councillor Makinson spoke under Council Rule 20.1 and made the following comments:
· She spoke about a recent article regarding the street and how the recommended restrictions were not necessary, which she also heard from officers working for KCC. She disagreed with this notion, to report that local residents have expressed concerns and fears with crossing this road, even with the refuge islands in place; · She reported that witnesses have seen cars driving along the wrong side of the road, swerving around school crossing controllers with drivers shouting abuse at them; · Further reports were received of cars crashing into parked cars and garden walls along the area, however these were not always reported to the Police; · It was sited that of the two fatalities along the road, although they were reported to be not due to speeding, that the second fatality was still being investigated; · KCC have reported that speed checks were carried out with two tickets issued, however Councillor Makinson was unaware of any residents witnessing this with the on-beat Police Officer being unaware as well; · She went on to recommend some physical measures for the area, such as speed cameras; · Local residents met once a month and exchange stories of near misses and erratic driving along the street.
Councillor K. Bright spoke under Council Rule 20.1 and made the following comments:
· Councillor Bright supported Councillor Makinson’s position and also shared experiences of local residents having concerns of the unsafe driving in the area, including some residents treating people for First Aid in their front gardens, · A petition has been established in order to ask for more effective traffic calming measures to be implemented, which Councillor K. Bright recommends be heeded by KCC; · He attended the Broadstairs Town Council – Traffic Safety Day in order to listen to further comments from members of the public, with a large turnout of local residents expressing their dismay for the lack of safety along the road, · Councillor K. Bright urged KCC to listen to the local residents surrounding the area, to prioritise their safety amongst everything else.
The Chair introduced this item and invited members of the Board to make comments:
· Councillors on the board also shared experiences of residents approaching them regarding the lack of safety along Dumpton Park Drive as the subject appears frequently at local Town Council meetings; · Funding was sought after by local residents, following the death of a child who was killed along the road, to go towards traffic calming measures; · Councillors expressed frustration with the need for 6 collisions in 10 years to be achieved before further plans are put through by KCC in order to implement measures; · Recommendations were put forward for flashing speed indicator signs to be installed and for efforts to be put forward for educating drivers, such as a roadside poster campaign; · Other recommendations were put forward for the Police to monitor and police the road in a stricter degree in order to curb unsafe drivers; · Some Councillors expressed the view that drivers ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Local Transport Plan 5 - Consultation Minutes: The Chair introduced this item and invited members of the Board to make comments:
· It was noted that Councillors were disappointed that the only consultation for Thanet was the following day at Ramsgate Library, which may not have been reachable for some people.
Councillors noted the report. |
Double Yellow Line - Consultation Update Additional documents: Minutes: Penny Button, Head of Neighbourhoods introduced this item and made the following points:
· There were five locations where restrictions were proposed, which have been brought to the Council’s attention by members of the public; · These proposed areas included a disability bay outside 22 Gladstone Road; a disability bay on the north-west side of Southeastern Road; a disability bay on the north-west side of Percy Avenue; double yellow lines and corner protections around Selbourne Road and kerb lips around the junction at Botany Road and Foreness Close for 30m; · The consultation for these proposals would be combined with the consultation planned for previous double yellow line proposals suggested to the Joint Transport Board in one consultation, planned for the beginning of October.
Councillors made the following comments:
· Councillors approved of the proposed restrictions and asked for further clarification on further reports from members of the public to be considered. Officers replied that the TDC website featured a form that can be filled out with evidence that can also be attached, which would be considered by the Neighbourhoods team.
The Chair proposed, Councillor Davis seconded and Members agreed:
That subject to the views of the Joint Transport Board, the proposals shown in annex 1 are approved and that proposals which require statutory consultation are advertised and that any traffic related objections are reported back to a future meeting of the board. |