Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Cecil Street, Margate, Kent. View directions

Contact: Steven Matthews 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies received at the meeting.


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 87 KB

To receive any declarations of interest.  Members are advised to consider the advice contained within the Declaration of Interest advice attached to this Agenda.  If a Member declares an interest, they should complete the Declaration of Interest Form 



There were no declarations of interest.


Application for a New Premises Licence at Dreamland, 49 Marine Terrace, Margate, Kent pdf icon PDF 97 KB

Additional documents:


Also present:


Thanet District Council:  Ms Brock, Technical Support Team Manager

Ms Berry, Senior Environmental Protection Officer

  Ms Craig, Environmental Protection Officer

  Mr Fiumicelli, Technical Director Vanguardia

  Mr Sproates, Regulatory Services Manager


Kent Police:  Ian Swallow, Inspector

  Paul Diment, Licensing Officer

  PC Stephen Chapman, Licensing Officer



Sands Heritage Ltd.:  Mr Merricks, Licensing Agent

  Ms Clover, Barrister

  Ms Kemsley, CEO

    Mr Guy, Events Dreamland

  Mr Hance, Acoustic Consultant


Interested Parties:  Mr Moss (digitally)

Mr Pengelly

Ms Korczak


The Technical Support Team Manager introduced the item.


The Applicant presented their case.


The Sub-Committee followed up with questions and the Applicant responded.


The Interested Parties also asked questions and the Applicant responded.


The Environmental Protection Team addressed the Sub-Committee.


The Applicant followed up with questions and the Environmental Protection Officer responded.


The Interested Parties also asked questions and the Environmental Protection Officer responded.


The Sub-Committee also asked questions and the Environmental Protection Officer responded.


Kent Police addressed the Sub-Committee.


The Sub-Committee followed up with questions and Kent Police responded.


The Licensing Officer addressed the Sub-Committee.


The Applicant responded to the Licensing Officer.


The Sub-Committee followed up with questions and the Licensing Officer responded.


The Interested Parties took turns addressing the Sub-Committee.


The Applicant responded to the Interested Parties.


Kent Police also responded to the Interested Parties.


The Environmental Protection Officer also responded to the Interested Parties.


The Environmental Protection Officer summed up their position.


The Licensing Officer summed up their position.


Kent Police summed up their position.


The Applicant summed up their position.


Following the deliberation, the Sub-Committee agreed the following:


“In the APPLICATION FOR A NEW PREMISES LICENCE AT DREAMLAND, 49 MARINE TERRACE, MARGATE, KENT, by Sands Heritage Ltd. to Thanet District Council as the relevant Licensing Authority acting in accordance with the Licensing 2003 Act, the decision of the Licensing Sub-Committee having heard representations from:


1.  The Applicant


2.  The Licensing Authority


3.  The Police


4.  Environmental Health


5.  Interested Parties (x3)


The committee gave primary consideration to the licensing objectives which are that they:


·  Prevent crime disorder

·  Protect public safety

·  Prevent nuisance

·  Protect children from harm 


The Options available to the Sub-Committee included:


1.  To approve the application

2.  To refuse the application

3.  To approve the application with any conditions the Sub-Committee may feel are suitable


The committee has decided that the application for a new license be granted subject to the latest conditions proposed by the Environmental Health dated 31st January 2023 with the following amendments;


1.  i. In relation to paragraph 4(a), that the repetition of events be increased to a maximum of 40 days per calender year


ii. In relation to timing at clause 4(c): Amplified regulated entertainment to be permitted between 12:00-23:00


iii. In relation to timing at clause 4(d)  Intensity: the proportion to be;

a.  8 days @ 75db

b.  32 days @ 65db


2.  The licence to be reviewed in 18 months and by July 2025 to allow for a later consideration of any issues that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.