Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: by Video Conference
Contact: James Clapson
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: There were no apologies for absence.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest. Members are advised to consider the advice contained within the Declaration of Interest advice attached to this Agenda. If a Member declares an interest, they should complete the Declaration of Interest Form
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Application for a New Premises Licence at Rokka, Harbour Parade, Ramsgate Additional documents:
Minutes: Also present:
Thanet Ms Brock, Licensing Officer. Council Ms Berry, Environmental Protection Officer. Officers: Ms Phillips, Principal Litigation Solicitor.
Kent Police: Ms Greig, Police Licensing Officer. Mr Diment, Police Licensing Officer East Division Coordinator. Ms Collins, Thanet Community Safety unit.
Applicant: Mr Panteli. Applicant’s Legal Mr Grimsey. Representative:
The Licensing Officer, presented the report.
The Applicant’s representative and Applicant addressed the Sub-Committee.
The Licensing Officer asked questions of the Applicant representatives.
The Police asked questions of the Applicant.
The Environmental Health Officer asked questions of the Applicant.
The Sub-Committee asked questions of the Applicant.
The Police addressed the Sub-Committee.
The Applicant’s representative and Applicant asked questions of the Police.
The Sub-Committee asked questions of the Police.
The Environmental Health Officer addressed the Sub-Committee.
The Applicant’s Agent asked questions of the Environmental Health Officer.
Members asked questions of the Environmental Health Officer.
Further to debate, the Sub-Committee agreed the following:
‘In the application of Rokka Limited, of 64 Harbour Parade, Ramsgate, Kent CT11 8LN, for a premises licence in respect of the same address at 64 Harbour Parade, Ramsgate, Kent CT11 8LN. Thanet District Council as the relevant Licensing Authority in accordance with section 12 of the Licensing Act, and upon the consideration of representations made to the Licensing Sub-Committee on the 16th February 2020 by;
1. the Licensing Officer; 2. the Applicant and Applicant’s agent; 3. the Police; 4. the Environmental Health Officer;
have decided that the application for the grant of a new licence is approved subject to the condition that Rokka Ltd use an extra security staff member to the front of the premises for the extra hour that it will be operating for. This condition will be subject to a review after 12 months from the date of the grant of this new licence.
In considering the licensing objectives, it is the view of the Sub-Committee that the grant of the application with a condition, which is then subject to a review, will give effect to the licensing objectives to:
Prevent crime disorder – with the extra security that will be provided for the further hour of operation. Contribute public safety – due to the extra security that will be provided for the further hour of operation. Prevent nuisance - The extra security that will be provided for the further hour of operation will cover any potential increase in nuisance. Protect children from harm – for the same reasons as is given above. |