Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Cecil Street, Margate, Kent. View directions
Contact: James Clapson
Note: Reconvening of the 9.12.21 meeting
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest. Members are advised to consider the advice contained within the Declaration of Interest advice attached to this Agenda. If a Member declares an interest, they should complete the Declaration of Interest Form
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: Also present:
Thanet Council Ms Brock, Technical Support Team Manager, TDC. Representatives: Ms Phillips, Principal Litigation Solicitor, TDC. Ms Berry, Senior Environmental Health Practitioner, TDC. Mr Ranatunga, Solicitor representing TDC Environmental Health Dept, Cornerstone Barristers.
Faith in Strangers Ms Clover, Solicitor, Kings Chambers. Representatives: Mr Randle, Premises Owner. Mr Duffy, Premises Owner. Mr Forde, Music Venue Trust. Councillor Yates.
Residents who Mr Rees-Gay, Solicitor, Wood Wurh. Submitted Ms Pritchard – Resident. Representations Ms Wilson – Resident. Ms/Mr Ryan – Resident. Ms Deal – Resident. Ms Davies – Resident. Ms Thompson - to read a statement from Ms Walker – Resident. Mr Mackinlay MP representing Ms Bryant and Ms Cox – Residents.
Ms Phillips, Principal Litigation Solicitor made the introductory remarks by advising of the meeting procedure for the discussion of this item.
The Technical Support Team Manager introduced the item.
Mr Ratnatunga addressed the Sub-Committee.
Mr Rees-Gay asked Mr Ratnatunga questions.
Ms Pritchard asked Mr Ratnatunga questions.
Mr Mackinlay MP asked Mr Ratnatunga questions.
Ms Clover asked Mr Ratnatunga questions.
Mr Rees-Gay addressed the Sub-Committee.
Ms Deal addressed the Sub-Committee.
Ms Pritchard addressed the Sub-Committee.
Ms Wilson addressed the Sub-Committee.
Mr Mackinlay MP addressed the Sub-Committee.
Ms Davis addressed the Sub-Committee.
Ms Ryan addressed the Sub-Committee.
Ms Thompson addressed the Sub-Committee.
The Sub-Committee asked Mr Rees-Gay and the residents who submitted representations questions.
Ms Clover addressed the Sub-Committee.
Mr Randle addressed the Sub-Committee.
Mr Duffy addressed the Sub-Committee.
Councillor Yates addressed the Sub-Committee.
Mr Rees-Gay asked Ms Clover and those representing Faith in Strangers questions.
Mr Mackinlay MP asked Ms Clover and those representing Faith in Strangers questions.
The Sub-Committee asked Ms Clover and those representing Faith in Strangers questions.
Mr Rees-Gay provided the Sub-Committee with his final comments.
The residents who made representations provided the Sub-Committee with their final comments.
Ms Clover provided the Sub-Committee with her final comments.
Mr Randle and Mr Duffy provided the Sub-Committee with their final comments.
The Sub-Committee agreed the following:
‘In the application for a full review of the Licence for Faith In Strangers 17 Ethelbert Crescent Margate. Having considered documentation and representations made to the Sub-Committee on the 17th February received from:
1. The Licensing Technical Support Team Manager - Ms Brock 2. The Environmental Department – Mr Ranatunga 3. The interested parties - Members of the public, Mr Mackinlay MP, Residents and their representative Mr Rees-Gay. 4. Faith in Strangers – Ms Clover, Mr Randle, Mr Duffy, Mr Forde and Councillor Yates)
The Sub-committee considered the steps which may be taken further to Section 52 (4) which are:
(a) to modify the conditions of the licence; (b) to exclude a licensable activity from the scope of the licence; (c) to remove the designated premises supervisor; (d) to suspend the licence for a period not exceeding three months; (e) to revoke the licence;
These steps may be taken further to an application to review which has been made ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |