Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Cecil Street, Margate, Kent. View directions
Contact: Charles Hungwe
Link: This meeting will be livestreamed
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
Declarations of Interest PDF 113 KB To receive any declarations of interest. Members are advised to consider the advice contained within the Declaration of Interest advice attached to this Agenda. If a Member declares an interest, they should complete the Declaration of Interest Form Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 81 KB To approve the summary of recommendations and decisions of the Cabinet meeting held on 27 July 2023, copy attached. Minutes: It was proposed by Cllr Everitt and seconded by Cllr Yates that the minutes of the meeting of 27 July 2023 were agreed as a correct record.
Member AGREED |
Minutes of extraordinary meeting PDF 80 KB To approve the summary of recommendations and decisions of the extraordinary Cabinet meeting held on 10 August 2023, copy attached. Minutes: It was proposed by Cllr Everitt and seconded by Cllr Albon that the minutes of the Extraordinary meeting of 10 August were agreed as a correct record.
TDC and Parish & Town Councils Collaboration - OSP Report PDF 99 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader outlined the report to Cabinet and welcomed the items put forward within the review. He concurred with the report that closer working relationships between TDC and local Parish and Town Councils were beneficial to both parties.
Cllrs K Bright, Fellows, Davis and Garner all spoke under Council Procedure Rule 20.1.
It was proposed by Cllr Everitt and seconded by Cllr Yates that Cabinet accepts all the recommendations of the TDC and Parish &Town Councils collaboration Scrutiny Panel.
Members AGREED
Adoption of the Westgate-on-Sea Neighbourhood Plan PDF 82 KB Minutes: Cllr Everitt outlined the report. It was proposed by Cllr Everitt and seconded by Cllr Yates that Cabinet recommend to a meeting of the full Council that Thanet District Council make the Westgate-on-Sea Neighbourhood Plan.
Members AGREED |
Broadstairs Flood and Coast Protection scheme PDF 89 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Cllr Rogers spoke under Council Procedure Rule 20.1.
Cllr Albon presented the report. He explained that the proposed works would protect the designated area from a once in 200 year storm event and the that works would be completed between April and June 2024. It was proposed by Cllr Albon and seconded by Cllr Yates that Cabinet approves expenditure in relation to this scheme and up to the value of the Environment Agency grant of £880k.
Members AGREED. |
Viking Bay to Dumpton Gap Sea Wall Repairs Scheme PDF 95 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr Albon presented the report, he explained that not taking the proposed actions would mean that the promenade would eventually need to be closed to the public. It was proposed by Cllr Albon and seconded by Cllr Yates that Cabinet approves expenditure in relation to this scheme and up to the value of the Environment Agency grant of £406k.
Members AGREED.
Tenant and Leaseholder Services Annual Report PDF 79 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Cllr Whitehead presented the report to Cabinet. She explained that an enormous amount of good work had occurred and the report showed that the service was centred around the community and that it focused on homes rather than houses and expressed her pride and gratitude to the team.
Cllr Bayford spoke under council procedure rule 20.1
It was proposed by Cllr Whitehead and seconded by Cllr Yates that Cabinet agree to publish the Annual Report on the council’s website.
Members AGREED |
Annual Treasury Management Review PDF 299 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Cllr Yates outlined the report, he confirmed that TDC was not near to a S.114 notice.
It was proposed by Cllr Yates and seconded by Cllr Duckworth that Cabinet:
1. Notes the actual 2022/23 prudential and treasury indicators in this report; 2. Recommends this report to Council for approval.
Members AGREED |
2022-23 Provisional Outturn PDF 115 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr Yates outlined the report and explained
that the recommendations that were outlined in the report were
incorrect and he would propose a corrected recommendation.
1. Notes: · The provisional outturn position for the General Fund. · The provisional outturn position for General Fund Capital. · The provisional outturn position for the Housing Revenue Account. · The provisional outturn position for Housing Revenue Account Capital
2. Agrees: (i) to the proposed reserve movements as identified at section 3.1 and 3.2 to this report.
(ii) the slippage in the General Fund Capital Programme as identified in section 6 to this report.
(iii) the slippage in HRA budgets as identified in section 8 to this report.
Members AGREED |
Budget Monitoring 2023/24: Report No.1 PDF 172 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Cllr Yates presented the report and explained that there was a predicted overspend of £489k, this was due to an increase in homelessness, potential increased volume of seaweed removals and increased agency staff in waste and recycling. The General Fund capital programme was showing a substantial underspend. This was in part due to the phasing and timing of a number of grant funded projects. Some of the projects would be re-profiled and slipped into later years of the programme.
Cllr Davis spoke under council procedure rule 20.1.
It was proposed by Cllr Yates and seconded by Cllr Keen that:
1) Cabinet notes the following:
i) The General Fund revenue budget 2023/24 forecast position. ii) The General Fund Capital Programme 2023/24 forecast position. iii) The Housing Revenue Account position.
2) Cabinet agrees up to £75k General Fund revenue budget virement as outlined at 3.2 to the Community Safety budget to facilitate the continued provision of showers, toilets and utilities for the traveller community currently located on land at Ramsgate Port and to fund associated legal costs, to be funded from a corresponding reduction in the corporate contingency budget. 3) Cabinet recommends to Council for approval the supplementary budgets for: i) The £10k requirement for the Legal system upgrade to be funded from reserves as set out in section 3.3 ii) £154k identified at section 3.4 from the Business Rates Growth Reserve to fund the Legal and Procurement fees associated with Port projects. 4) Cabinet notes the re-profiling of the revenue budgets pertaining to UKSPF as indicated at 4.1 below and that they agree that we reserve the right to vary 24/25 in consultation with the Portfolio Holder if and when requirements change. 5) Cabinet recommends to Council for approval the supplementary capital budget, numbered i to vii inclusive, as set out in section 7.5 and Annex 1 to this report. 6) Cabinet agrees to the capital programme budget adjustments, numbered i to ix inclusive, as set out in section 7.4 and Annex 1 to this report.
Members AGREED |
Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Everitt outlined the report, he confirmed that even with a combined oversight board the Cabinet would not move project monies between Ramsgate and Margate. He added the simplification pilot would reduce officer time in producing very similar monitoring reports freeing up officer time to deliver on projects.
Cllrs Bambridge and K Bright both spoke on the item under council procedure rule 20.1.
It was proposed by Cllr Everitt and seconded by Cllr Albon:
That Cabinet: · note the details of the submitted Investment Plan on the basis of the profile of spend and delivery against the Intervention Themes. · Approve the disbanding of the Margate Town Deal Board in order to set-up new and relevant governance arrangements for the Simplification Pathfinder Pilot. · Approve the recommendation to set-up a new Partnership Board with final recruitment of Board members to be in consultation with the Leader of the Council. · Approve the projects being included and delivered through the new amalgamated Simplification Pathfinder Pilot identified in section 4.1 of the report.
Members AGREED
Coastal Zone Maintenance Contract PDF 83 KB Minutes: Cllr Albon presented the report outlining that the contract was for maintenance of all the Council’s infrastructure including: upper promenades, railings, steps, bridges, groynes, slipways and cliff facing walls. Without maintenance the Council would be unable to react to urgent work or routine repair work to ensure that it got the maximum working life out of its coastal infrastructure and the Council would be open to an increased insurance liability as a result of unresolved defects on the coastline.
Cllr Rogers spoke under council procedure rule 20.1.
It was proposed by Cllr Albon and seconded by Cllr Keen that Cabinet approves expenditure via a coastal zone maintenance term contract of approximately £1.5m over a 5 year period starting early in 2024.
Members AGREED
LED Street Lighting Contract PDF 81 KB Minutes: Cllr Albon outlined the report explaining that the contract would improve approximately 200 Council owned lamps or posts in the district. This would improve safety and reduce costs to the Council via less maintenance and changing of bulbs.
Cllr Bright spoke under council procedure rule 20.1.
It was proposed by Cllr Albon and seconded by Cllr Duckworth that Cabinet approves expenditure of approximately £333k for the replacement and/or upgrade of lighting provision at various locations within the district. The funding consists of a £283k capital budget and a contribution of up to £50k from Broadstairs and St Peter’s Town Council for lighting works at Broadstairs Harbour and Victoria Parade.
Members AGREED
TDC Electricity Supply Tender PDF 78 KB Minutes: Cllr Yates presented the report. He explained that the Council was required to ensure best value for money when procuring its contracts and as such the Council was required to re-procure its Electricity Supply contract before the renewal date of 1st October 2023.
It was proposed by Cllr Yates and seconded by Cllr Whitehead that Cabinet agree to procure a new contract for the Electricity supply, with the objective of securing best value for money for the Council.
Members AGREED |