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  • Agenda and minutes
  • Agenda and minutes

    Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Cecil Street, Margate, Kent. View directions

    Contact: Charles Hungwe 

    No. Item


    Apologies for Absence


    Apologies were received from the following Members:


    Councillor Day, substituted by Councillor Stevens;

    Councillor Braidwood, substituted by Councillor Stuart Piper.


    Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 113 KB

    To receive any declarations of interest. Members are advised to consider the advice contained within the Declaration of Interest advice attached to this Agenda. If a Member declares an interest, they should complete the Declaration of Interest Form


    There were no declarations of interest.


    Election of Chairman

    To elect a Chairman of the Committee.


    Councillor Piper nominated himself and Councillor Bambridge seconded the nomination. Another Member reminded the committee that Councilor Piper could not contest the Chairmanship as he was a substitute and not a substantive member of the General Purposes Committee at this meeting.


    Councillor Everitt proposed, Councillor Bayford seconded and Members agreed that Councillor Campbell be the Chairman of the General Purposes Committee.


    Councillor Campbell in the Chair.