Agenda and minutes
Venue: Tower House, Westgate, Canterbury. View directions
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
Substitute Members The Chairman to report any notifications received prior to this meeting regarding the attendance of substitutes for the named Members of this committee. Minutes: here were no substitute members. |
Minutes of the previous meeting To confirm as a true record. Minutes: The minute were agreed by general assent. |
Declaration of Interests To receive any declarations of interest. Minutes: There were no declarations of interests by Committee members or officers. |
Provision of ICT and HR Services to the Marlowe Theatre Trust TO CONSIDER the report of the Chief Executive, CCC [Appendix to follow] Minutes: The Chairman introduced the item and drew attention to the supplement circulated prior to the meeting.
The Chief Executive of Canterbury City Council gave the background to the report which sought authority from the committee to enter into an agreement with the Marlowe Theatre Trust for the provision of ICT and HR services from East Kent Services.
The draft Side Letter between the Marlowe Trust and Canterbury City Council for the provision of back office services was provided in the agenda supplement and was summarised by the Chief Executive.
The side letter would enable the Trust to, in the event that East Kent Services and/or East Kent Human Resources cease to provide the relevant Service, withhold payment to the Council or terminate this contract and procure the service elsewhere. The side letter also set out the data protection and information governance arrangements and the responsibilities placed upon both parties. Because of the nature of the shared service relationship, the three districts (Canterbury, Dover and Thanet) are referred to within the Side Letter.
There were minor details of the side letter still to be resolved and it was proposed that the delegated authority to finalise this agreement be given to the Chief Executive of Canterbury City Council in consultation with the chief executives of Thanet and Dover District Councils.
The Chairman invited the Committee members to discuss the matter and ask questions before moving to vote of the proposals duly put and seconded.
Reason for the decision: it provides a cost effective solution for the district partners and business continuity for the Marlowe Trust and East Kent Services. |
Any other business to be dealt with in public Minutes: There was no urgent business to be considered. |
Any other business which falls under the exempt provisions of the Local Government Act 1972 or the Freedom of Information Act 2002 or both It may be necessary to exclude the press or public for this item. Minutes: There was no urgent business to be considered.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 11.01 am.