Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Cecil Street, Margate, Kent. View directions

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Barlow.



Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 92 KB


Councillor Yates proposed, Councillor Davis seconded, and Councillors agreed that the minutes of the meeting of the Climate Change Cabinet Advisory Group on 17 June 2024 be approved.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Cycling Funding & Events


Natasha Brown, Coastal Wellbeing Coordinator, gave a presentation on the cycling and funding events, making the following key points:


·  Match funding from the Margate Town Deal programme had meant that approximately £7,000 in funding had been received from Cycling UK.

·  The focus of the funding would be placed around the areas of Walpole Bay.

·  Over summer 2024, Thanet District Council had run 29 events, with 6 more scheduled in for September 2024.

·  Through the funding application, 39 bikes had been fixed for free since June 2024.

·  During the summer months there had been Cycle Del Mar rides with Col’s Kent Bike Tours arranged. This had attracted up to 50 people per ride, from all age groups. The cycle also included a Rickshaw Sound System, and was a ride from the Turner Contemporary in Margate to Westgate.

·  Col’s Kent Bike Tours have arranged rehabilitation rides, which was a positive activity for people in recovery.

·  Sunday rides had also been arranged, which included older adults, retiree’s and families joining to ride. The youngest individual was 8 years old, the older individual being 85 years old.

·  The Council was using Walpole Bay shelter in new ways. There had been bike meetup’s and free bike fixes.

·  The Bike Shed Kent ran three Learn to Fix Workshops at Margate Train Station.

·  The Council had worked with Kent Refugee Action Network and Col’s Kent Bike Tours to run an event teaching 18 young refugees how to fix and ride bikes.

·  Young refugees within the area have received 25 donated bikes, helmets and locks over the summer months.


Councillors commented and asked the following questions:


·  Congratulations were given to the team and the work put in by Natasha.

·  Questioning was raised about the events being extended into other towns.

·  The programme, funding needed, and officer effort was considered highly impressive.


Natasha Brown responded that whilst this was an initiative focussed on Cliftonville, it was open to all towns to come and join.


TDC Estate Decarbonisation & Ramsgate Solar PV updates


Lindsay Reynolds, Climate Change Manager, introduced the agenda item Thanet District  Council Estate Decarbonisation and Ramsgate Solar PV updates, making the following  key points: 


  An update on the proposed energy measures for Thanet District Council  buildings to be included in a PSDS bid (Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme Fund): Upgrading lighting to LED, replacing existing roof PV arrays,  cavity wall insulations, air source heat pumps and window refurbishment. 

  The PSDS Funding application date still has not been announced, however the  Council was hopeful that this would be some time in October 2024, and if successful in receiving funding, the completion of  installation, system commissioning and final commissioning would be done by March 2027. 

  It had been decided that the Ramsgate Solar project would be a 400kWp  system. The original bid was for a 359kWp system. Funding for this project, from  the Sport England Swimming Pool Support Fund, stood at approximately  £630,000. 

  Total savings for the Ramsgate Solar Project would be £2.26 million over 25  years, approximately saving £90,600 on electricity every year. 

  The next steps regarding the estate decarbonisation and Ramsgate Solar Project  was for the project to be put out to tender through the Laser Energy dynamic  purchasing system (DPS) which is due to go live from today for four weeks.

  The building control application and the pre-planning application for the  Ramsgate Solar PV had now been submitted. 


Councillors commented and asked the following questions: 


  When would the council know if they are able to get solar panels in the  Ramsgate leisure center? 

  Could the waste and recycling depots be considered for solar PV updates?

  How many solar panels were working in Cecil Street council building? 


Lindsay Reynolds responded: 


  Responses back from tenders were expected late in 2024.  The deadline to install is by the end of February 2025 with commissioning to be complete by the end of March 2025.

  Waste and recycling depots were being considered within the net zero plan for  solar panels and EV charging points. 

  Around one third of the solar panels in the Cecil Street building were not  working currently, however, part of the PSDS bid will be to replace the existing panels with a new system.

  It was agreed that this agenda item would be brought back to the Cabinet  Advisory Group when the PSDS bid had been submitted, to update on the status.


Tree Planting Update


Daniel Gooch, Open Spaces Manager and Phoebe Cullingworth, Tree and Biodiversity  Coordinator, gave a presentation on the tree planting update making the following key  points: 


  The councils tree policy had been agreed, and could be seen by the public and  councillors via the councils website. 

  Through the project “two for one trees,” 32 trees had felled in 2024, with a  replacement of 54 trees being planted, with more due to be planted this winter. 

  Within the trees being planted, there was a range of species in order to help  improve resistance. 

  Where it was possible, trees, branches and chippings were left on site for the  biodiversity of the area.

  The council was looking at new ways of planting, through the Miyawaki method.  The method has been used across other districts including Maidstone. 

  The planting schedule for the council was as follows: 

  Winter 2024: Memorial Recreation Ground; Garlinge recreation Ground; Dane  Valley. 

  Winter 2025: St Peters Recreation Ground; Tivoli Park; Northdown Park.  • Confirmed funding for the biodiversity and tree planting activites included: KCC  funding (LATF 1) £7820, International Tree Fund £8800, Broadstairs Town  Council £10000 and Miyawaki funding from KCC had confirmed full funds for two  test sites. 

  Pending funding largely stood with

  Forestry Commission’s Urban Tree Challenge Fund with £74,000 pending. 

  In the coming months before winter 2024, the council would be finalising site  specific planting schedules and plans, with the aim of securing remaining funding. 

  Additionally, the council was scheduling community planting events, which would  follow through with a detailed communications schedule. 


Councillors commented and asked the following questions: 


  Questioning around specific planting details in specific recreation grounds were  raised. 

  Does the Miyawaki method have to be a fenced off project? 

  Congratulations were given to the tree planting and biodiversity team. 


Officers responded with the following points: 


  It had not been finalised where all planting was due to happen. The council had  agreed that some of the planting was to happen by the original tree line and next  to the back of the houses in recreational grounds. It made sense to talk to the  local community whilst finalising the details.  

  Whilst some miyawaki projects have been fenced off, there was possibilities for it  to be open, and to create a mini woodland. 



TDC Biodiversity update


Michael Lee was to be invited to a Councillor Briefing to give the presentation to all Councillors due to time constraints at the Cabinet Advisory Group.


Climate Change related events


Lindsay Reynolds introduced the Climate Change related events item, making the  following key points: 


  The Home Energy Advice team had been shortlisted for the Kent Housing Group  Excellence Award. 

  There had been a staff meadow walk on 21st August 2024, with further walks  being scheduled for Margate Pride, NBE fitness and council staff. 

  Over the summer, water fountains with drinking water were installed on  Ramsgate Main Sands, Viking Bay and Stone Bay. 

  In October from 12:00-16:00 Sunken Gardens were hosting an Eco Fair. 


General Update from Officers


Several upcoming events relevant to the Climate Cabinet Advisory Group included:


·  Bison range experience at WestBlean on the 18th September;

·  Blue earth Summit in mid October in London.