Agendas, Reports & Minutes of Meetings


This page lists the meetings for Cabinet.


Information about Cabinet

General Delegations to all Portfolio Holders


1.  In addition to acting collectively in the Cabinet, each Cabinet Member will have the general role of providing leadership and guidance in respect of all executive functions within the portfolio area for which he or she is accountable and the promoting and improving of the Council’s profile and public perception.


2.  In accordance with the Secretary of State’s guidance, Cabinet Members should amongst other things:


(i)  ensure that they have sufficient time to focus on broad strategic issues (para 4.21 of the Guidance); and

(ii)  seek advice from relevant officers before taking a decision within his or her own delegated authority; where appropriate this should include taking legal advice, financial advice and professional officer advice (particularly about contractual matters) as well as consulting the Monitoring Officer where there is a doubt about legal powers (para 4.44 of the Guidance).

Any matter within a Cabinet Member’s delegated powers may be referred by him or her to Cabinet for decision.


3.  To regularly review the effectiveness of policies and the performance of services and make recommendations for continuous improvement to the Cabinet.


4.  To oversee the capital and revenue budgets in areas of responsibility to ensure expenditure and income is consistent with the Council’s agreed budget.


5.  To liaise and work with other portfolio holders on cross cutting areas of responsibility and make recommendations to Cabinet as appropriate. [Note: Any matter relating to more than one portfolio area must be referred by the portfolio holders to Cabinet for decision.]


6.  To oversee the review of fees and charges and recommend changes in line with the Council’s agreed budget strategy.


7.  To make or agree recommendations to Cabinet in relation to new policy areas.


8.  To consider and endorse service plans to ensure compliance with the Corporate Plan.


9.  To be accountable to the Cabinet for the implementation of agreed priorities and final recommendations from the Corporate Plan, Service Plans and reviews and to consider and act on reports received from officers monitoring progress.


10.  To authorise the making of applications for planning permission for proposed development relating to the Member’s portfolio area.


11.  To make recommendations to Cabinet on bids for additional funding; expenditure; variations to expenditure and the letting of contracts for works; goods and services, in accordance with the Council’s Contract Standing Orders.


12.  To support individual projects within the Cabinet Member’s portfolio area, provided such expenditure is within the overall project budget and above the prevailing virement threshold.


13  In any case where a matter is urgent and a decision cannot reasonably await the next meeting of the Cabinet and the relevant portfolio holder does not have a general or specific delegated power, the relevant portfolio holder may nevertheless make a decision on behalf of the Cabinet subject (except in the case of the Leader) to prior consultation with the Leader and subject to the decision being reported to Cabinet as soon as practicable.

[Note: in the case of a key decision the Access to Information Procedure Rules must still be complied with.]