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This page lists the meetings for Standards Hearings Sub-Committee.
1. To conduct a hearing in relation to a complaint referred to it by the Monitoring Officer alleging a failure by an elected or co-opted member of Thanet District Council or a Parish or Town Council established in Thanet to comply with the requirements of the Members Code of Conduct adopted by their Council.
2. At the conclusion of the hearing and taking into account the opinion of the Independent Person, to form an opinion on whether there has been a failure by the Member to comply with the requirements of the Members Code of Conduct of their Council and to communicate that opinion to the Monitoring Officer
3. In the event of the Sub Committee being of the opinion that there has been a failure by the Member to comply with the Members Code of Conduct adopted by their Council, to make recommendations to the Monitoring Officer on what action to take (if any) in respect of such failure
4. To give notice in writing to the Monitoring Officer of its recommendations including the reasons for such recommendations.