Agenda item

Proposed variation to Section 106 agreement of planning application OL/TH/14/0050 – Land at Haine Road/Manston Road, Ramsgate (“Manston Green”)


It was proposed by the Chairman and seconded by the Vice Chairman:


“To approve the application in accordance with the officer recommendation, namely:


1 To delegate authority to the Head of Legal, in consultation with the Planning Applications Manager to negotiate, enter into and sign a deed of variation under Section 106A of the Planning Act to the existing Section 106 agreement dated 13th July 2016 under outline planning permission reference OL/TH/14/0050 (Land known as Manston Green), in order to:


- reduce the amount of on-site affordable housing in phase 2 of the  development to 10% of that phase and in phase 3 of the development to 30% of that phase.


- Include a “clawback mechanism” to assess development viability at two points in the development, at the end of phases 1 and 2, and at the end of phase 3 of the development, following agreement of the baseline viability appraisal to be submitted to the Council prior to the execution of the deed.

2 To confirm that the viability appraisals will be based on a land valuation to be fixed in agreement with Homes England and that any surplus will be split 50/50 between the Council and developer, and shall be used by the Council towards housing delivery in the district


Following debate, the motion was put to the vote and declared CARRIED.


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