Agenda item

Proposed Scope of Local Plan Update and Indicative Timetable; and Recommendations To Cabinet


Mr Verrall, Strategic Planning Manager, introduced the report highlighting the work that had taken place over the last few months, issues that had been identified by the inspectors, matters for inclusion in the new Local Development Scheme (LDS), the Local Plan (LP) update and the timetable.


During consideration of the item it was noted that:


·  There was strong feeling about the Park Avenue site in Broadstairs, Members would have the opportunity to raise their concerns about this issue in the future.

·  This Cabinet Advisory Group or a similar group would continue to have input into the process.

·  The relationship between a Neighbourhood Plan and  the LP was not clearly defined in law, however it was expected that they should supplement each other, rather than repeat or duplicate each other.  The Council would work with Neighbourhood Plan groups.

·  The purpose of the LDS was to advise the public and others of what was proposed to be included in the LP.

·  A viability study was undertaken to establish what proportion of new build houses should be allocated as affordable housing or rent.  Sometimes viability issues could arise or change over time, and have an impact on the size of this proportion.

·  The LP required the energy performance of new houses to be code level four, this was in line with current Government guidance but did not require zero carbon emissions.  There may be new legislation in future that would allow the standard to be increased.

·  20mph zones would primarily be a matter for Kent County Council (KCC) as they were the responsible authority for highways, discussions could take place outside of the LP process as this was not something that could be included in the LP.

·  KCC would take a view on matters such as highway safety and road layouts as part of the planning application process.


It was proposed by Councillor Everitt, seconded by Councillor Scobbie and Members agreed to recommend to Cabinet that the Local Plan update should extend the Plan period to 2040, and address the following issues:


1. The implications of climate change; including the outcomes from the work of the Climate Emergency Working Group, where relevant;


2. The provision of publicly-accessible electric vehicle charging points;


3. Ensure a robust policy relationship between biodiversity “net gain”; woodland protection/planting; green infrastructure and the Council’s proposed Tree Strategy;


4. Update Environment Strategy policies as necessary, depending on the progress of the Environment Bill and Kent Environment Strategies;


5. The implications of the Local Housing Need Methodology on housing requirements for the district;


6. Guidance on type and size of dwellings may require updating;


7. The provision of Gypsy & Traveller sites to meet identified requirements;


8. Update the provisions of the Plan in relation to Manston Airport in the light of the decision on the Development Consent Order;


 9. Identify additional employment land, as required;


10. Review the homeworking policy to assess whether any update needed in the light of a potentially significant shift to flexible/remote working;


11. Incorporate any decision in relation to the future of Port Ramsgate;


12. Address any planning implications arising from the Council’s community wealth building programme;


13. Update retail floorspace figures for town centres;


14. Some Town Centre policies may need amending in the light of changing Government guidance and other changes to the planning system;


15. Incorporate key policy aspects from the proposed Westwood SPD fully into the Plan;


16. Some infrastructure policies (for example, transport; health and education) may need updating, depending on the scale and location of new housing;


17. Consider the evidence for a possible policy relating to hot food takeaways, in relation to local public health impacts;


18. Identify possible resilience/design measures to address COVID or similar threats to the social and economic life of the district; and


19. Ensure new and revised policies address the Government's policy guidance in the NPPF and nPPG.

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