Agenda item
Planning Application OL/TH/20/0847 – Land On The North West And South East Sides of Shottendane Road, MARGATE
- Meeting of Planning Committee, Wednesday, 21st July, 2021 7.00 pm (Item 5.)
- View the background to item 5.
PROPOSAL: Outline application for the erection of up to 450 residential dwellings (including market and affordable housing), structural planting and landscaping, formal and informal public open space and children's play area, sustainable urban drainage, with vehicular access points, including associated ancillary works and operations, from Hartsdown Road, Shottendane Road and Manston Road including access.
Councillor Braidwood spoke under council procedure rule 20.1.
Councillor Scott spoke under council procedure rule 20.1.
Councillor Gregory spoke as Ward Councillor.
Councillor Farrance spoke as Ward Councillor.
It was proposed by Councillor Albon and seconded by Councillor Hart that Members agree option 4.1 from the report, namely that:
“Members REFUSE the application on the lack of sufficient affordable housing, as outlined at paragraph 2.6 in the report:
2.6 The proposed development, by virtue of the proposed level of affordable housing, would not meet the identified need for affordable housing in the district, thereby not providing the required homes to create a balanced and mixed community. This harm is considered to significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits of the development, therefore the proposal would not constitute sustainable development and is contrary to Strategic Priority 3 of the Thanet Local Plan and the objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework.”
Upon being put to the vote, the motion was declared CARRIED.
Supporting documents:
- Agenda item Shottendane Road 21st July 2021, item 5. PDF 125 KB
- Annex 1 Applicants Viability Appraisal (1), item 5. PDF 4 MB
- Annex 2 DSP Viability Review (1), item 5. PDF 2 MB
- Annex 3 Highways Cost review (1), item 5. PDF 700 KB
- Annex 4 Applicant response on Highways cost (1), item 5. PDF 121 KB
- Annex 5 Habitat_Regulation_Assessment 20.0847 (1), item 5. PDF 131 KB
- Annex 6 Planning Committee Report 21st April 2021, item 5. PDF 4 MB
- Annex 7 Applicant’s Additional Viability submission, item 5. PDF 425 KB
- Annex 8 Alternative contribution scenario, item 5. PDF 11 KB
- Annex 9 Planning Committee Agenda Report 23rd June 2021, item 5. PDF 118 KB
- Annex 10 Applicants letter received 9th July 2021, item 5. PDF 185 KB