Agenda item

TLS KPI Q1 & Q2 - Housing Performance report


Cabinet discussed the Housing Services performance report that showed that the Housing team had made tangible improvements to the service since transition from East Kent Housing to a council in-house service. Members acknowledged where the service had done well, including receiving an outcome of ‘reasonable assurance’ in a recent audit for Landlord compliance. Members noted that the improvements have been made in income management and how they have turned the capital programme around.


The report also reflected where performance was not where the council would want it to be. Improvement actions have been identified to these areas; that included applying focus to Landlord compliance to complete Fire Risk Assessment actions and electrical safety certificates so that they are in a position to request the Regulator for Social Housing to remove the current notice on the Council. Cabinet further noted that Void performance was being improved by creating a dedicated team for this area through a recent restructure. The team was making progress on the ambitious improvement plan which will also make an impact on the team’s performance over the coming year.


Councillor Whitehead spoke under Council Procedure Rule 20.1.


Councillor Jill Bayford proposed, Councillor Pugh seconded and Members agreed the following recommendations, to:


1.  Note and scrutinise the contents of these reports for quarter 1:


  • Performance data Summary - Annex 1;
  • Performance report - Annex 2;
  • Compliance data summary - Annex 3;
  • Compliance report - Annex 4;


2.  Note and scrutinise the contents of these reports for quarter 2:

  • Performance data Summary - Annex 5;
  • Performance report - Annex 6;
  • Compliance data summary - Annex 7;
  • Compliance report - Annex 8.

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