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  • Agenda item
  • Agenda item

    Independent Review of the Berth 4/5 Project


    Cabinet discussed and considered the update on the Independent Review of the 4/5 Berth Project. The recommendations of the Head of East Kent Internal Audit Partnership were welcomed and the Management Team had accepted all recommendations. Important lessons had been learnt from the project. Cabinet acknowledged the important work that had been undertaken by Internal Audit and their report had provided extensive detail as a platform to work from.


    Cabinet concurred that the report was comprehensive and highlighted areas for improvement. It was acknowledged that the present more stable situation would present a much more beneficial environment for progress to be made. The Cabinet also recognised the importance of the role of scrutiny from Members.


    Councillor Austin, Councillor Everitt and Councillor Wing spoke under Council Procedure Rule 20.1.


    Councillor Ashbee proposed, Councillor Pugh seconded and Cabinet agreed the following:


    To note the report and to recommend to Full Council to note the report.

    Supporting documents: