Agenda item

Independent Review of the Berth 4/5 Project


Councillor Ashbee, the Leader of the Council, presented the report and the following points were noted:


·  A review had been undertaken by the East Kent audit partnership.

·  Thanks were given to Christine Parker, the head of internal audit, for the thorough review of this project.

·  The detailed management response was yet to be formed, however the corporate management team had accepted all nine recommendations in the report.

·  There was confidence that the council would learn from the review, and successfully deliver the projects which were upcoming over the following years.


Members commented and made the following points:


·  Thanks were given to officers, in particular Mike Humber for their work in the project.

·  The matter had not been concluded, it was important to keep up the momentum for the project.

·  Information should be shared with both councillors and residents as much as possible.


Councillor Ashbee proposed, Councillor Bob Bayford seconded and members noted the  report.



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