Agenda item
Leaders Report
To receive a report from the Leader of the Council in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.4.
The Leader, Councillor Everitt, gave his report making the following key points:
· There had been an incident at dreamland, where Emily Stokes had died. This incident was being considered seriously by police.
· Councillor Manners was welcomed back to the Chambers after a period of ill health.
· There was a new timetable for the Local Plan update, this would be presented to Cabinet at a later date.
· The council was confident that it would exceed the expectation of the creation of 400 affordable homes.
· Compliments had been given regarding public toilets in the district, which was pleasing.
· There was a procurement process going through for the regeneration projects.
· The pathfinder board was due to meet.
· There was a planned free event for the 75th anniversary of the Viking Ship, Hugin.
· Congratulations were given to the new Margate Mayor, Councillor Packman.
Councillor Pugh, as Leader of the Conservative Group, made the following points:
· The recent deaths were distressing, and sympathies were given to the families involved.
· Questioning was raised around the Council and any action against dreamlands licence pending the investigation.
· Councillor Manners was welcome back into the Chambers.
· Toilets needed to be opened for longer periods of time during the summer season.
· The regeneration progress was positive news.
· Questioning regarding the process of concluding the Winter Gardens progress was raised.
· There was little published regarding the event on the 75th anniversary of the Viking Ship, Hugin.
Councillor Everitt responded with the following points:
· The licensing panel was due to meet regarding Dreamlands license.
· Winter and summer opening times of the toilets differed. There had been staffing issues, and challenges in terms of public behaviour around this.
· Cabinet would publish a report on the Local Plan issues shortly after the meeting of council.
Councillor Garner, as Leader of the Green Group, made the following points:
· Sympathies were given to the tragic incidents in dreamland and around Margate Pier.
· Further appropriate measures should be put in place around harbour arms to minimise risks.
· It was disappointing that major planning consents were not able to be paused.
· Congratulations were given to Polly Billington.
· Cliffs End were providing a free event on the 75th anniversary of Viking Ship, Hugin, which would be celebrated in Broadstairs.
Councillor Everitt responded with the following points:
· Communications team would look into pushing out events further into the public eye.
· Pauses to the major planning consents would not result in a difference to the process.
Councillor Worrow, Leader of the Independent Group, made the following points:
· Sympathies were given to the incidents which had happened in Margate.
· The security in Dreamland was unsatisfactory.
· Councillor Manners was welcomed back to the Chambers.
· Support was given to the proposed motion to revoke the Local Plan.
· It was positive that the Council was moving forth with processing bids to run the Winter Gardens.
Councillor Everitt responded with the following points:
· There was no evidence that London Boroughs were buying houses in the district to house their residents.
· Agreement regarding the Winter Gardens was given.
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