Agenda item

Winter Fuel Allowance Motion


It was proposed by Councillor Fellows and seconded by Councillor Bambridge that:


“Changes to the Winter Fuel Allowance and protecting pensioners from fuel poverty. The Labour Government’s recently decided to restrict the Winter Fuel Payment to only pensioners in receipt of means-tested benefits like Pension Credit.

In Thanet alone 26,648 pensioners will lose the winter fuel allowance. In my village 60% of our residents are retired so this is something that I’m concerned about.




• Requests to Bring forward a Council-led local awareness campaign using TDCs communication channels and social media platforms to alert those eligible of Pension Credit which in some respects will help access to the Winter Fuel Payment for those most in need.

• Requests that the Council Leader write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, urging a review of the decision to means-test the Winter Fuel Payment and asking the government to ensure that vulnerable pensioners, particularly those who do not claim Pension Credit, are protected from fuel poverty.

• Commit this Council to signing the ‘Save the Winter Fuel Payment for Struggling Pensioners’ petition being run by Age UK and write to all council members offering them the opportunity to sign the petition themselves.

• Encourage local efforts to promote Pension Credit uptake through this councils partnerships with local charities and community organisations to ensure that all eligible pensioners in Thanet are supported in claiming their entitlement.”


Councillor Fellows proposed, Councillor Davis seconded and Councillors agreed to debate the motion.


Councillor Whitehead made an amendment to the motion, Councillor K. Bright seconded the amended motion:


·  The proposed amendments are as followed:

·  Insert the words in bold and delete the words in brackets and strike out, as follows:


·  “Notes that the outgoing Conservative government left behind billions of pounds of unfunded in-year spending commitments which require the new Labour government to take action to balance the 2024/25 budget.

·  Notes that government policy over the period since 2010 has discriminated against people below pension age, in particular forcing millions to use food banks to feed themselves and their families, and driving hundreds of thousands of children into poverty.

·  Notes that continuing the Winter Fuel Payment to the wealthiest pensioners would be inconsistent with social justice when children are going hungry.

·  Welcomes the fact that the council is and will continue to use its [Requests to Bring forward a Council-led local awareness campaign using TDCs] communication channels and social media platforms to alert those eligible for [of] Pension Credit which in some respects will help access to the Winter Fuel Payment for those most in need.

·  Requests that the Council Leader writes to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, urging a review of the decision to means test the Winter Fuel Payment and asking the government to ensure that vulnerable pensioners, particularly those who do not claim Pension Credit, are protected from fuel poverty.

·  Acknowledges [Commit this Council to signing] the ‘Save the Winter Fuel Payment for Struggling Pensioners’ petition being run by Age UK and agrees to write to all council members offering them the opportunity to sign the petition themselves.

·  Will encourage local efforts to promote Pension Credit uptake through this council's [councils] partnerships with local charities and community organisations to ensure that all eligible pensioners in Thanet are supported in claiming their entitlement.”



During debate Councillors made the following points:


·  There had been underlying causes to the issues, including overall public spending.

·  The previous government had neglected young people.

·  There had been a large increase in foodbanks from 2010 to 2024.

·  The new government needed target specific issues with its limited funds. 


Councillor W. Scobie proposed the closure motion, Council Rule Procedure 16.12, Councillor Albon seconded and Councillor agreed.


Councillors voted on the amended motion, and it was agreed that the motion was agreed as followed:


·  “Notes that the outgoing Conservative government left behind billions of pounds of unfunded in-year spending commitments which require the new Labour government to take action to balance the 2024/25 budget.

·  Notes that government policy over the period since 2010 has discriminated against people below pension age, in particular forcing millions to use food banks to feed themselves and their families, and driving hundreds of thousands of children into poverty.

·  Notes that continuing the Winter Fuel Payment to the wealthiest pensioners would be inconsistent with social justice when children are going hungry.

·  Welcomes the fact that the council is and will continue to use its communication channels and social media platforms to alert those eligible for Pension Credit which in some respects will help access to the Winter Fuel Payment for those most in need.

·  Requests that the Council Leader writes to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, urging a review of the decision to means test the Winter Fuel Payment and asking the government to ensure that vulnerable pensioners, particularly those who do not claim Pension Credit, are protected from fuel poverty.

·  Acknowledges the ‘Save the Winter Fuel Payment for Struggling Pensioners’ petition being run by Age UK and agrees to write to all council members offering them the opportunity to sign the petition themselves.

·  Will encourage local efforts to promote Pension Credit uptake through this council's partnerships with local charities and community organisations to ensure that all eligible pensioners in Thanet are supported in claiming their entitlement.”




Supporting documents: