Issue - decisions

Approve use of 19 Hawley Square to support the Margate Town Deal Theatre Royal Project

28/09/2022 - Margate Town Deal Project - Theatre Royal Margate


Delegated authority was given to the Director of Regeneration in consultation with the Interim Director of Property to market the proposal for the Theatre Royal and 19 Hawley Square in order to identify an operator/commercial partner.

Authority was provided to the Interim Director of Property and Interim Head of Legal and Monitoring Officer, in Consultation with the Portfolio Holder to negotiate the lease heads of terms and all other ancillary documents.

The finalised lease heads of terms and relevant ancillary documents to be brought back to Cabinet for final approval.


Approval was provided to submit an application for a Development Phase Grant to the National Lottery Heritage Fund. Authorising the Director of Regeneration to agree the final submission documents, based on approval from the S151 Officer.


Approval was provided to commission the urgent works to the Theatre Royal, as set-out in the surveys completed in 2021 funded from Historic England.