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The public inquiry into the Grenfell Tower fire concluded in September 2024 with the publication of the phase 2 report. Annex 1 to this Cabinet paper provides a summary of the phase 2 report, with a particular focus on the implications and recommendations for local authorities and social housing providers.
The phase 2 report made a total of 58 recommendations, covering a wide range of organisations including regulators, emergency services, the construction industry, local authorities and social housing providers. The full report is around 1,700 pages with a more accessible overview paper containing the key findings and recommendations.
In addition, the phase 1 report made 46 recommendations and has had a significant influence on both the Social Housing (Regulation) Act 2024 and the Building Safety Act 2022.
This report considers the relevant recommendations from both the phase 1 and phase 2 enquiry reports and makes a number of recommendations.
This report seeks authority for the council to:
1. Note the self assessment against the phase 1 and phase 2 recommendations, attached at annex 1 to the report;
2. Agree to increase the waking watch service in line with the revised guidelines from the Kent Fire and Rescue Service;
3. Note the increased cost of the waking watch service for the remainder of 2024/25 and approve the necessary in-year virement (as detailed in 6.1.1 to the Cabinet report).
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 28/11/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 04/12/2024
Effective from: 12/12/2024
Cabinet agreed:
1. To increase the waking watch service in line with the revised guidelines from the Kent Fire and Rescue Service;
2. To note the increased cost of the waking watch service for the remainder of 2024/25 and approve the necessary in-year virement (as detailed in 6.1.1 to the Cabinet report).
On 20 July 2023 the Tourism Review Working Party was set up by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel. The working party was tasked with a review of the negative impact of tourism on the district and how the Council could mitigate that impact on local communities.
In August 2023 the Tourism Review Working Party commenced the planned review. This led to some findings and recommendations being identified through a report which was adopted by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel on 16 April 2024 and considered by Cabinet on 25 April 2024.
At the meeting on 25 April this year the outcome report from that review was brought to Cabinet for its consideration. Cabinet agreed that officers bring back a report back to Cabinet after studying the various implications of the recommendations of the Tourism Review Working Party. A report was therefore brought to Cabinet on 28 November 2024 for decision.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 28/11/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 04/12/2024
Effective from: 12/12/2024
The Tourism Review Working Party report made a total 25 recommendations spread across 5 subject headings. Cabinet considered the recommendations and senior management comments on each, which were set out in the cabinet report.
Cabinet agreed 12 of the recommendations, 8 of which are already in place. Cabinet further agreed to investigate a further 3 recommendations which may also be taken forward if found to be feasible.
Cabinet approved the recommendations set out in section 5 of the Cabinet Report in accordance with the senior management advice on each recommendation in that section.
The External Grant Funding Review Working Party report followed a review completed by members of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel. The review started in June 2024 and considered how the Council could support efforts to increase external grant funding coming into the district, through local community voluntary organisations work activities.
The review led to a number of recommendations to Cabinet from the working party. These and recommendations are detailed in the working review report which is attached as Annex 1 to this covering report. A summary of findings and recommendations detailed in the body of this covering report. This report was considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel on 19 November 2024
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 28/11/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 04/12/2024
Effective from: 12/12/2024
The Scrutiny Report made a total of 17 recommendations to Cabinet. Cabinet considered the recommendations and the senior management comments made in response to each recommendation, as set out in the Cabinet report.
Cabinet agreed the recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Panel as recommended by officers as detailed in section 5 of the Cabinet report.
The 2 new policies have been developed in response to new legislation and where a gap has been identified in operations. They provide a framework for consistency and best practice as well as compliance with the current legislation and with the Regulator for Social Housing.
The 2 new policies are:
This report seeks authority for the council to:
2. Delegate authority to the Head of Tenant and Leaseholder Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing to make minor operational changes to the policies, as required.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 28/11/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 29/11/2024
Effective from: 07/12/2024
Cabinet agreed to:
1. Adopt the two new policies;
2. Delegate authority to the Head of Tenant and Leaseholder Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing to make minor operational changes to the policies, as required.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Sally O'Sullivan
This decision relates to the ownership and refurbishment options for the following properties: 37 Hereson Road, Ramsgate, CT11 7DP; Flat 3 Cobb Court, 27 King Street, Margate, CT9 1BZ; and 1 Park Lodge, Montefiore Avenue, Ramsgate, Kent, CT11 8BD. All three residential dwellings are currently owned by the council. The report related to the decision examines both the costs of refurbishing the properties and the potential capital receipts from their disposal at auction.
The recommendation is the decision to dispose of all these properties and reinvest the proceeds of the sales in the council’s Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Capital Programme.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 28/11/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 29/11/2024
Effective from: 07/12/2024
Cabinet agreed that:
1. The Council owned properties, 37 Hereson Road, Ramsgate, CT11 7DP, Flat 3 Cobb Court, 27 King Street, Margate, CT9 1BZ and 1 Park Lodge, Montefiore Avenue, Ramsgate, Kent, CT11 8BD are disposed of through auction;
2. The proceeds of sale are reinvested in the council’s Accelerated Housing Delivery Programme as agreed by Council in July 2023.
Wards affected: Eastcliff Ward; Margate Central Ward; Sir Moses Montefiore Ward;
Lead officer: Ashley Jackson