European Parliamentary Electoral Region: South East Region Thanet District Council Area - Thursday, 4th June, 2009

Full results for European Electoral Region: South East Region:

Election results by party
Party name Votes % of votes
Conservative Party 9716 30%
United Kingdom Independence Party: UKIP 7804 24%
The Labour Party 4478 14%
The Green Party 3001 9%
Liberal Democrats 2482 8%
British National Party: British National Party - Protecting British Jobs 1762 5%
English Democrats: The English Democrats - "Putting England First!" 879 3%
No2EU: Yes to Democracy 529 2%
Christian Party "Proclaiming Christ's Lordship" The Christian Party - CPA 490 2%
Socialist Labour Party 333 1%
United Kingdom First 258 < 1%
Jury Team: Democracy, Accountability, Transparency 159 < 1%
Pro Democracy: 142 < 1%
The Peace Party - Non-Violence, Justice, Environment 112 < 1%
The Roman Party.Ave! 52 < 1%
Turnout: 35%