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It is proposed that Thanet District Council introduce an acquisitions programme to purchase properties which will be rented to households in housing need at an affordable rent.
A budget of £2.13m has been identified and it is anticipated that this will fund a programme of acquiring 10-12 dwellings.
The funding includes £630k of ring-fenced right to buy receipts together with £1.5m from the Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 09/08/2017
Decision due: 25 Oct 2017 by Cabinet
Lead member: Councillor Rev. Stuart Piper
Contact: Bob Porter, Director of Place Tel: 01843 577006 Email:
What the decision will mean: This will enable the council to purchase off the shelf developments to expand the Council's rented stock.